Chapter 47

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No sooner did she arrive in New York did she right away get into the swing of preparing for tour. She got together with her stylists and makeup artists to plan her outfits and makeup for each night. She was with her trainer in the early hours of the morning working out in the gym to get her body ready for how exhausting touring is going to be. She was with her dermatologist and nutritionist planning her meals and what she's allowed to and not allowed to eat. She was practicing with her band constantly since they all flew in and they were also preparing for the new album, all while still trying to make some time for Peter and the boys. It was easy to spend time with Nat since she came to her fittings and makeup and hair days, she sat with her on another chair and got her hair and nails done while they chatted. Alana liked these moments the best since it helped her slow down and relax. She appreciated Nat for coming out here and spending time with her, giving her input on some outfits, something Loki did as well since he pops in and out whenever he feels like it. 

Steve and Sam were also people she could easily hangout with in her  hectic schedule, since she works out in the morning, she takes a morning jog first and they are always there, so they jog together and joke around and have fun. Bucky would join them every once in a while, but he didn't like running. She and Niall talked sometimes on the phone but he was currently taking a reality break so she didn't bother him too much, he was renting a cabin somewhere and was just relaxing and calming down, while Harry and Louis were preparing for album and tour releases as well. Liam was doing a lot of interviews and Zayn was chilling on the farm.

"Ugh, like I understand that she's vegetarian and I respect that, but I would really like her to stop commenting on whenever I eat chicken or meat. It's getting on my nerves. 'You know that's a chicken they had to kill just for you to eat while you could have had beans instead.' I know! I want to eat chicken. Leave me be and stop pushing your ideas and thoughts into others. It's the circle of life, that chicken would have died anyways. You harvested those beans too, practically killing them." Sam complained about Tony's new girlfriend, someone Alana was accustomed with. "I mean, she's a really nice girl, she's kind, gets a joke, but I don't like that about her."

"Well, you're not going to like everything about someone. And plus, as long as she keeps Tony grounded and happy, which I hear she does, then she's perfect for him, isn't she?" She tried to reason with Sam as the two of them jogged side by side, ignoring Steve who kept passing them on their left.

"Sure sure, but no. Tony, I don't even know what to say, Tony is so different now. He's smiling less, talking less, eating less, and he's not spending as much time working on his suits anymore. It's like Tony isn't inside his body anymore, it's hollow in there. He's spacing out a lot and he thinks we don't notice, but we do."

Worry about Tony's well-being spread through her.

"Maybe I should stop by the Tower some day and check in on him."

"Didn't you two have a fight or something?"

"Sure, but he's still my friend and I care about him."

"Now that I think about it. He started acting weird when...oh, oooooooh. HA! I GOT IT!" Sam hollered in excitement as realization took over him.

"What did you get?" Alana asked as she slowed down to a walk and he slowed down with her.

"Oh nothing nothing. Tell you later." He grinned and waved at Steve to call him over. 

"Hey, you wouldn't believe it." Sam said to Steve and he leaned up to whisper in his ear. Steve's eyes widened as Sam continued to whisper to him and then he stared at Alana.

"No..." he said in disbelief.

"Yes." Sam countered.

"Will you two tell me what's going on?" She pouted.

"No can do sweetheart, we have to confirm something first." Sam patted her head and she pouted even more.

"Fine, be that way. I have to leave anyways, Maggie sent me our zoom link for the day." She said, glancing at her phone.

"Maggie?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, my personal trainer."

"You know you could just ask one of us to train you. How about Clint? He's not that busy right now and I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"Not a bad idea, but Maggie's been my personal trainer for years and I can't just ditch her like that. So if Clint is okay with it, when the tour is over and I have nothing to do after all the interviews for a few months, he could train me then. Maggie only trains me pre and during the tour."

"I'll ask him and see what he thinks." Steve said, he leaned down and kissed her cheek, not minding that they were both sweaty. "Okay, don't be late now."

"Bye Stevie, bye Samie!" She waved and jogged off to the car waiting for her, she put a jacket on to keep warm and turned her AC off so her muscles don't cool down until she reached her home.


Alana Evans Story

Alana Evans Story

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It was another experimental day in hair and makeup and this time it was Loki she was hanging out with.

"You should go for a green look." He said, "it will match with me."

His grin got her to smile.

"I'll see, but it might have to be bright green and make a statement."

"Nono, my green is a lot better."

"Loki, I'm working with Nike here, it's their call not mine. You can share your input with them though."

"Are you going to be working with them for the entire tour?" He asked as he started getting his nails clipped.

"No, just for Japan, I'll be working with some other brands as well."

"I heard Gucci is a really good brand." He changed the outfit he was wearing to the one of the man in a Gucci outfit in the magazine resting on his knee.

"Yea, but they'll most likely stick with Harry. It would be nice to do a collab with them and Harry, a photo shoot and interview maybe."

"Yes yes, what other brands will you be working with?"

"I don't know, probably adid-"

"Adidas and Nike!?" Loki gasped and looked at her, "Scandalous."

"I know right, but Louis doesn't like it when I'm wearing Nike stuff so he talks with Adidas and they end up sending me a bunch of clothes, it might happen again and it might not. My Nike contract ends after Japan, so it doesn't matter, and it's not like I prefer one over the other. I'll also be working with designers, and I think Women and Nike will collaborate for a night, I'm not sure, I'll have to check. But lots of the outfits will be tailored for me if I'm not promoting a certain thing from a brand."

"I see, how inconvenient to have to entertain thousands of people for a night for a living." 

She shook her head in amusement and smiled.

"It's quiet a thrill Loki. It's the best feeling to be up on a stage and you'll have to kill me to get me off one."

He smiled back at her and they lapsed into silence.

"But honestly, it's exhausting just thinking about it. Aren't you famous enough to get yourself a throne and sit upon it? I'd pay good money to see how entertained other Midgardians will get by this." Loki spoke up.

She just chuckled.

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