Chapter 40

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"PIZZZAAAAAAA!!!!!" Daniel entered the room and found Alana lounging on a couch, feet propped up on the coffee table in front of her and browsing through the channels on the tv.

"Wanna eat here or the kitchen?" She looked backwards at him and he slightly blushed at how good looking she was.

"Anywhere is fine."

When she sat upright and made room on the couch he took that as an invite to place the food on the coffee table and for him to sit beside her.

"Love your fuzzy socks by the way." He grinned at it and she laughed.

"My feet get cold pretty fast."

He placed the two boxes down and opened them. He also put the plastic bag he was holding up and took out the Pepsi from inside.

"I don't eat much, so don't expect me to eat an entire pizza or anything." She spoke up and reached for a cheese pizza.

"I also can't eat much. I have to make sure I maintain a certain weight to race this weekend."

They shared a look.

"Left over pizza for dinner tomorrow?" She asked.

"Just what I was thinking."

They nodded once in agreement and put on a movie to watch. They turned off all the lights and let the tv screen light up their surroundings for them.

Although, there was not much watching going on as to there was Daniele trying to tickle her and start a pillow fight, so that's what they did instead.

Alana was laughing so hard from all the excitement, tickles, and adrenaline that she had to hold her side in pain, and then Daniel tripped over his own foot and she laughed even harder.

He groaned in embarrassment but started to laugh too when she toppled over in laughter.

She started coughing and wheezing and he's never seen something so great. 

He quickly pulled out his phone and put it up where the muted tv was so it would record them, all while laughing and shaking the screen.

Alana started to say incoherent sentences trying to explain how his face was but just continued laughing and he did too.

She got up so she was on her hands and knees and tried to catch her breath but he kicked her wrist from underneath her and she fell again and laughed, he fell beside her on the ground laughing until she jumped on top of him and started tickling him. He crouched from how hard he was laughing and tried sitting up so she could fall off of him. She slipped at his sudden movement and hit her head on the coffee table which caused Daniel to laugh even more.

"A-aware You OkAy?" He could barely formulate the sentence as he got up and tried to pull her to her feet. He knew she was okay because she was laughing, although now she was actually trying to catch her breath.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay."

He walked to his phone with the biggest grin on his face and turned the recording off.

"Oh my god." She flopped on the couch and then he flopped over her. She made an ouf sound but didn't attempt to move. "My muscles feel like jelly. And now you're crushing me bones." She groaned. 

Daniel wrapped his arms around her waist and flipped them over so she was laying down on top of him.



They were still catching their breaths and he felt his heart flutter at how close the two of them physically were. He shifted again so they were both laying down on their sides, cuddled, and he didn't remove his arms from around her.

"I'm sleeping. Too tired to move." He said in a hushed voice and felt her get more comfortable.

Smooth Mr.Ricardo, smooth. She held in a smile.



They both couldn't sleep for a few more hours after being on an adrenaline high, but they were quiet and let their thoughts wonder off until sleep did actually consume them.

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