Chapter 52

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A/N   I added an Alana evans story on chapter 47


"Help a fellow citizen?" She asked Natasha and Clint on the joined call on her way home. She was tired and heading home, not very excited to go through paparazzi waiting on her doorstep again, she was at least glad she didn't have to drive.

"Did you know you're trending number one in many different hashtags?" Clint replied.

"I usually would be very great full but honestly, I'm tired."

"You're trending in every F1 and 1D community too. Even the Avenger ones, you're the talk of the town." He continued while Nat rolled her eyes.

"What do you need hot stuff?" She said.

"Am being constantly harassed by paparazzi. Me ears are about to fall off from all their screaming and shoutin tryin to get me attention. Am exhausted and on the literal verge of breaking down and crying. I can't take it anymore. They're crowding me and suffocating me. I don't know what to do. And it's unfair to the three boys staying over to have to go through what I have to go through. I'm mostly stressed because they have to go through this on a whole different level then they have to, other than that, I'll somehow manage. But please help take them off my property and stop them crowding my car if you can. Please." She wiped tears from her eyes and took shaky breaths to calm herself. Her accent was more obvious when she was tired.

"Hey kiddo, we got this. It's okay. Deep breaths okay? We'll be there and we'll bring the Iron legion. It's okay Lana. Just breath." Clint reassured her and Nat agreed with him.

"Don't worry Alana. I'll talk to Pepper and see how we can control this legally as well. We'll help."

"Thanks guys. I'm nearly home now. If you can send some Iron legions for som pap control that would be great."

"We got it. It's okay." Clint said and the call disconnected.

She expected a few Iron legions when her car pulled up in her drive way.

She saw nearly thirty.

Needles to say she was shocked.

They were doing their job and keeping the hoards of paparazzi at bay.

"Hey kid." Clint opened the door for her when her bodyguard parked and also held onto her purse. "Tony finished building a new and improved Iron Legion just for crowd control and he's letting us use them. He's also standing over there keeping watch over how they do on their first run." He pointed to an Iron suit that looked different than all the other ones.

"Oh, I see." She took Clint's hand and stepped out of her vehicle. There were still lots of blinding flash lights but they were quiet a few meters back this time. So they didn't bother her too much.

She clenched and unclenched her fist as she made her way to Tony to thank him. 

"You could have told me they were bothering you." He said after she stood in front of him and didn't say anything for a solid thirty seconds.

"It's okay. I told Nat and Clint." She didn't look him in the eyes out of nervousness.

"You said that whatever it is between us, we were still Eddie and Phi Phi. Eddie would be here for Phi Phi. I would."

"Right okay." She said not sounding convinced, but actually feeling thankful to have him help. 

"I would." His helmet retracted so she could see how sincere he was being, but she till refused to look up at him. And that broke him more than words could ever break him.

You're losing her.

Steve's words replayed in his head and he tensed. He actually was losing her.

"Thanks for helping, Tony." She looked up, not into his eyes, just over his shoulder, gave a quick smile and hurried in.

When she got in, it was awfully quiet seeing that she was hosting three f1 drivers. She walked into the living room and found them all passed out, lightly snoring, still jet lagged. She covered them with blankets and went up to her room to finish packing.

The boys surprise visit was nice, they were planning on staying for her three opening nights of tour in Madison Square Garden before they had to leave for work and she had to start to travel to other countries. They were also moving out of her home this evening and going to a hotel since she will be way too busy for them. She'll be in the studio all the way up until the first night, which was two days away, that was why she was packing now, she won't have time to do it later. Although she could ask someone else to do this for her, but she liked knowing where her own clothes were.

She was also in a hurry to get to the studio, so instead of eating lunch, she skipped it and hurried to the car. Even though she had pre-prepared chicken breasts that were already seasoned and just needed putting into the oven. She texted Dani instructions on how to cook the chicken and make rice so the boys wouldn't starve on her and she was on her way, picking up MJ with her since she promised the girl to take her to the studio once so she could get to see the behind the scenes.

She was happy that for the first time, there was no paparazzi. There were also two Iron legions following her car for extra safety.

During the entire rehearsal time, MJ was drawing in her notebook and giving witty comments here and there that got the band to laugh. Louis also called via FaceTime to see how things were going and he ended up talking with MJ most of the time, enjoying that she got his fast talking and liked his sarcasm and talking back. 

Bucky also stopped by and MJ was very intimidated although she tried not to show it.

"Hey Lani." Bucky walked up to Alana and kissed her cheek. "I'm not staying for long because I know you're really busy, but I wanted to stop by and see how you're doing and wish you luck. I'll be there for all three nights." Bucky was self conscious of the cameras filming, but he ignored them and focused on his sister

Alana picked up on his fingers slightly twitching and how he glanced at the cameras every now and then.

She took his hand and lead him out the door and to the hallway where no one was. 

"Sorry, you mentioned you were going to stop by. I should have told you there was going to be a film crew documenting."

"It's okay. When are you not being filmed, right?"

She gave him a sad smile and then squeezed his hand.

"Thanks for stopping by. I haven't seen you in a while since you've been on missions and I've missed you."

"Yeah, but I'm always here for you. Just call me whenever. How are things with you and Tony going?"

"I don't know Buck. He's distancing himself for no reason. Or maybe there is and I just don't know or aren't bright enough to catch on. I just wish him and I can at least be friends. We used to be so close, I honestly don't know what went wrong other than telling him to wait a month. Maybe I was wrong then? Even if he doesn't want to be in a relationship with me anymore, why can't we be friends? I just miss being silly with him, dancing in the kitchen, playing hide and seek. He made me feel happy, and now, now I'm feeling bad. But you heard from Nat and Clint about the Iron legions, so that's good I guess."

"Then don't waste your time on him Alana. Never waste your time on someone who doesn't appreciate your worth. He's clearly telling you he's done, so don't get too hung up on it and let it eat away at you, okay? I hate seeing you upset, so please don't be. I know it's hard. But if he's not treating you nicely, then he's not worth it. Even if you have deep rooted feelings for him, slowly find a way to take those roots out and either plant another seed or fill that space up with something else. So what if he's sending a few of his fancy toys over? You're going on tour, let that thought consume you, not him. Let the thoughts of millions of fans worldwide waiting to see you consume you. They want you, they need you in their lives, so be there for them. And be there for yourself too."

She nearly burst into tears and she threw her arms around Bucky's waist, hugging him tightly.

"I love you very much Bucky."

"I love you too Alana." 

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