Chapter 33

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It's been a few days now and she's been as busy as ever, with having the boys and their kids over, and Chase dropping by every now and then to keep their managers off their backs. With the added stress from hundreds of articles and posts and tweets being written about her and how she has all five boys and their kids in her house, how they're spending quality time, how this could mean a reunion, and about her sightings with Chase.

Niall already left, he's going to be traveling for a bit, he has a few interviews to do and then he'll be spending time with Lewis Capaldi in Ireland.

Alana was also able to finish writing three songs for her album, the first three, but she's working on more since she seems to be very motivated right now. Her band have been recording their parts and sending it to her, they're not flying in for another week so they could play and compose some songs together before they have to go on tour.

"So why are you really upset right now?" Selena asked through the phone.

"I already told you. I've like him for nearly a year now and this shit happens. I'm genuinely annoyed and me heart feels heartbroken for no reason at all. Him and I haven't even talked since then, it's been three days. Three! We've never ever gone that long without talking and it feels weird and extremely wrong. Like something's missing."

"Why don't you just talk to him Lani?"

"It's never really that simple. Tony is a very complicated man and he works in mysterious ways, he won't want to talk it out. And I told him that we're still friends. He knows. And plus, we kissed twice and didn't go on our first date, I feel like it shouldn't be a big deal but it very much feels like it."

"I'll be honest as your friend. I do not see what you see in Tony Stark. He's a playboy and picks up girls left and right. I don't think he's good for you, but if you still think so then chase after him. And if you can't now, then wait for the pr thing to be over. You and Chase won't even be together like that. The public will think so, but everyone else knows you're just friends."

"I don't know. The contract finishes in a month, right after that I head straight into four months of tour all while writing a second album. I probably won't have time for anything. And if I'm done with my album by then, then I'll be scheduling another tour during the summer."

"See, you don't even have the time. So don't worry about it and hopefully everything will work out."

"Okay, thank you for picking up. I just really needed to get that off my chest."

"Of course babe, anytime. I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Okay. Love you, bye!"


Alana hung up and sighed. She felt better after talking with her old friend Selena Gomez. She was a good listener.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Chase popped his head into her bedroom and she got up from the bed.

"Yeah. How did you get in here?"

"Oh, Zayn let me in." He took her hand in his, ignoring the awkwardness it brought between them.

"Oh, okay." They walked down the stairs and out the door to the car on the driveway.

"I was just thinking a walk through Central Park might cheer you up." He held her car door open and she got in.

"You're an angel you know that?" She sighed when he shut the door and laid her head back on the headrest. "Chase, I'm sorry I'm acting so down. I really do enjoy hanging out with you, I just wish it was of our own accord and not like this."

"It's okay, I understand." He grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze before letting go and holding on to the wheel again as he pulled out of her driveway and down the street. "How are things with you and the guy?"

I Don't Care | Tony Stark ~ wrong numberWhere stories live. Discover now