Chapter 93

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Alana Evans Story

Alana Evans Story

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Alana was on mandatory rest days, Tony never left her side the entire time while she was at the hospital. Save for going to get food and relieving himself in the bathroom. Bruce also regularly visited. He stayed most of the day, but when it was night time he went back to the hotel.

Louis was just like Tony and refused to leave her side. She's glad she has a large private room, because even though it's large now, soon, with both Liam and Peter flying in, it won't be.

"Tony, I'm not dying." She reminded him for the millionth time, because he had that very sad look on his face again.

"But what if you are? What if they missed something really important? You can't die on me." He looked at her with a bit of tears welled up in his eyes.

She sighed and held her hand out so he gave her his. When she held his hand, she placed it over her heart.

"I'm fine Tony. Look, you can feel it beat steadily, and you can see it on the monitor. It's gunna be okay. Right, Bruce?"

Bruce looked up from his book corner and nodded.

"She's just a little malnourished Tony. All she needs is a few rest days and a better eating style." He gave the still very worried Tony a small smile and went back to reading.

"I am back!" Louis barged through the door with bags of food. "And I've brought guests."

Peter and Liam followed in after him and Alana's face lit up.

"You guys are here!" She held her arms out and Peter ran into them for a hug, Liam joining in too. "I thought you'd be arriving tomorrow."

"Surprise." Peter grinned and kissed her cheek before going over to Tony to say hi.

"Did you come here straight from the airport?" Tony asked Peter, he had an arm around his shoulder.


"I'm very cross with you." Liam started to say as Louis began handing out food to everyone.

"Anyways, Peter, I need you to announce an album release. For whenever you deem appropriate."

Peter gasped and started jumping around at the news.

"Alana don't ignore me." Liam stated her down, yet she refused to look at him.

"Great choice of food Louis. This time, it really makes me feel like eating it." She started opening up her food boxes.


"Quite delicious." She held a hand in front of her mouth while she talked and it had food in it. When she finished she put it down and turned to Tony. "Tell me, how did you like the new song I sang the other day? My entire album is sad songs, prepare yourself for some groveling."

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