Chapter 3

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Alana put her phone away when she got called on stage.

"Look at you all smiley! What's gotten you in a good mood?" James Corden got up from his seat and greeted her with a kiss on each cheek and a hug.

"I'm just happy to be here and spending more time with you." She grinned and took a seat on the sofa.

She was looking at Sylvester Stark jr chase a laser beam on Tony Starks story.

"You were never good at lying Lana. We had dinner and lunch together yesterday at my place. You should be sick of seeing my face!" He laughed and she smiled at him.

"I would never get sick of you James. You're like...a second dad to me. I even lived a few years with you and the boys. I'll never get board of that."

"Stop you're making me look old."

"Mate, you are."

They both laughed.

"Anyways, I was talking to Niall the other day-"

She gasped.

"So he'd talk with you, but ignore me? The lying sleaz bag!" Alana put an exaggerated hand over her heart.

"Wait, wait, let me tell you what he said." James lifted his hands in the air and lifted them up and down, motioning for her to wait. "He told me you meant to text him, but accidentally got the wrong number! How'd you get the wrong number?"

"I guess I just did, I don't know."

"Imagine this yeah?" James addressed the audience and the cameras , "A random person, chilling, enjoying themselves, and they get a random text about killing people! Poor person must have had a heart attack."

The audience laughed and he laughed alongside them.

"James! You can't just say killing people without any back story or context! People will get the wrong idea. It's not what you guys think . Neither I or Niall killed anybody." Alana said while she was laughing.

"Well then tell us what happened, go on."

"Okay so the other day I ringed Niall up, yeah? It was like, hours before the Jimmy Fallon show the other day and he told me he was busy playing Fortnite . He'd just bought it and was really excited to play. Anyways, I have no idea how Fortnite works but apparently, the safe zone had gotten smaller and  he was last man standing with someone else. So of course, he had to kill him. I gave the man 3 hours, 3 hours James, and he didn't even text me back like he said he would. So I did, and I got the wrong number. And the first thing I said was, did you kill him or something like that because how am I supposed to know how long it takes to kill someone in Fortnite?"

The crowd laughed with James at Alana's story.

"Poor lad must have been so confused." James wiped fake tears under his eyes. "What happened next? Did they figure out who they were talking to?"

"Nothing much. We talked. I told him it was a misunderstanding. He doesn't know who I am and I don't know who he is. I guess if he saw this interview he would." She chuckled and took a drink from her water, really hoping that whoever Eddie was, he wouldn't see this.

"I feel like you're avoiding telling us more about your new ibf." James squinted his eyes at her and leaned forward.

"There's nothing to hide. We talked once or twice and that's about it."

"Well, keep us updated if you two interact more, but now we'll be moving on to what I have planned next!"

"Something fun I hope?" She nudged him as they both got up and went to the microphone stands. "Are we singing?"

"Yes we are!"

I Don't Care | Tony Stark ~ wrong numberWhere stories live. Discover now