Chapter 72

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Before landing in India, Alana got up to change out of her western clothing and put on a saree. Whenever she visited a foreign country on tour that had traditional clothing, she'd put it on for either one of her nights so the fans could enjoy or on her arrival, but in India, she wore saree's all the time. They were too beautiful not to wear them and locals always seemed to be very interested in the fact that she wore one. 

(The saree  she wore)

Tony stood waiting for Alana's private plane to land and sighed in relief when it finally did and came to the gate area. She came out of the plane, ascending the stairs and squinting into the light.

His heart skipped a beat.

He doesn't think he's seen anything so beautiful before.

She was mesmerizing, breathtaking, and so incredibly attractive in that saree and he looked like a fool just standing there and gaping at her.

When she reached the last step, she was adorned with flower necklaces by the people receiving them, he even got two.

"Hi Tony." She stood in front of him with a slightly tilted head  and a hesitant smile.

His heart beat faster at how adorable that was.

All he was able to do was give her a slight chin lift, turn around and walk to the car waiting for them. He would have completely melted right at her feet if he had said a single word.

Alana sadly looked down at the ground and followed after him to the car. He could have at least said hi back or complemented her. That would have been nice. But it doesn't seem like he cared at all.

When she sat in the car, she held onto the seat tightly in nervous anticipation at the car ride ahead. If one of them didn't say something to start a conversation this was going to be one awkward, tension filled car ride.

"You look nice."

She turned her head to Tony to make sure she heard properly. He had his elbow proped up and his chin resting in his hand as he gazed out.


"I said do you like rice? They eat a lot of that here."

Her expression slightly dropped but she smiled slightly so it doesn't seem like she was sad.

"Yeah." She turned her body away from him and looked at the slow moving outside world.

Tony thought it was slightly amusing how excited she got at thinking he complimented her. He had to make up for what he just did now. The only reason Tony changed his original sentence was because he chickened out of it, he now wishes he didn't because she looks sad.


"What?" She didn't turn her head to look at him.

"You look beautiful today."

"Okay." She didn't care at all.

Shit, he messed up.

I Don't Care | Tony Stark ~ wrong numberWhere stories live. Discover now