Chapter 61

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"Aight, I'm done babysitting. I think it's Winters turn after this." Sam patted her head on the airport runway.

He had stayed with her for the Colombia and Brazil part of the tour and now he was heading back.

"I told you guys you don't have to do this."

"Yes, but we want to. So we are." He leaned down and kissed her cheek. "See you later chica."

"Thank you for being here Sam. See you in December." She nudged his shoulder in a friendly way and they both headed to their own respective aircrafts. His being a shield jet and hers being a private plane.

Before the shield jet doors closed, sleepy Bucky stumbled out and headed to her plane.

"My thrun." He mumbled and let her drag him into a seat and buckle him up.

The second the seat belt sign was off, she got out of her seat and went to the bedroom to sleep. She's been running herself to the ground, nearly having no rest days and she really needed sleep. This was going to be an extra long plane ride since they had to make a stop to refuel and then continue on to London where she's going to meet up with Liam and Zayn. She told Philip if Bucky woke up, he could tell him to join her on the bed if he wanted.


Alana Evans Story

Alana Evans Story

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The night was wild.

The London fans were loud and energized after singing London Boy. 

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