Chapter 74

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The show must go on.

That's something everyone knows.

No matter what happens, the show must go on.

Even if she woke up that morning and after showering, she slipped and broke her arm.

Even after waiting hours and hours on end in the hospital and getting done with only 30 minutes left before the show started.

Even when she arrived at the show venue six minutes behind and had someone go on the stage and apologize for the delay and explain the situation while she quickly got her hair, makeup and outfit done. 

She was beyond stressed, exhausted and under pressure, with everything happening around her and all the recent feelings and stress she's been having with Tony, she just wanted to sit in a corner and cry.

She went on the stage in a hurry and although the fans cheered, she felt absolutely guilty and horrible for making them wait so long. She couldn't stop apologizing for five minutes straight before she started with her first song, still feeling like she was on an emotional roller coaster. Her voice broke a few times and she was nearly in tears at how badly she was performing to the hundreds of thousands that came to see her.

After a few songs she excused herself for a quick bathroom break because everything was suddenly getting to be too much to bear, the lights, the sounds, the music, the cheering, the singing, everything, and she was about to break down.

The second she stepped into the washroom away from cameras and fans, she broke down in tears.

The door handle jiggled and she said she'll be out in a second.

She ruined her makeup so there was no point trying to salvage it and decided to just wash everything off with really cold water to help with swelling and puffiness of her eyes and red cheeks and nose.

"It's me Phi, please open up." Tony said and she froze for a second before continuing to wash her face.

"I'm not done, I'll be out in a sec." She didn't even know he was here tonight. She took deep breathes, dried her face gently and was ready to be on stage again.

She opened the door and walked out, ignoring Tony.

"Phi..." he called out and she hated herself for stopping to listen

"Please call me Alana, and what is it Mr.Stark?"

She heard him walk up behind her and he gently turned her around so she was facing him, although she looked down at the ground.

"First off," he gently said and placed a hand on her cheek, pulling her face up so she was forced to look at him. "My name is Eddie, and secondly."

"Let go." 

He didn't. He pulled her in for a hug, one hand around her back and the other one in her hair.

Stupid Tony. Stupid Tony for knowing I need a hug. Stupid Tony for knowing this is one of my favourite types of hugs. Stupid Tony for being here for me, why couldn't it be anyone else? Why couldn't it be Niall or Bruce or anyone else? Stupid Tony for knowing what I need.

She cried in the hug.

She cried for being weak in front of him. She cried because she hated that she loved his comfort. She cried because this was humiliating to herself that she found safety in his warmth when she was just starting to get ready to get over him.

"It's going to be okay. You're almost done. Take it one song at a time." He pulled back and held a device. "Here. I'll put this on for you. It's a face device that changes your face to whoever you want so you deceive anyone in front of you. We use it in misssions all the time. I'll have it set to your face with the makeup from earlier so your fans don't get concerned and management doesn't get mad at you taking it all off."

He attached it behind her ears and held her face with both hands. Wiping the tears with his thumbs.

"You got this Phi. I'll be there if you need anything, just signal for me. Say something like, I don't know, 'Does anyone like bananas', and I'll know. Okay?" He kissed her forehead, spun her around and patted her shoulders. "Go get'em."

Alana was so shocked that she walked up on that stage and performed like nothing happened. She was in literal shock at Tony and what he did. She didn't expect that out of him. What does him doing this even mean? Does it mean he likes her? He still cares for her? Does he pity her or feel bad for her? Did he feel bad for the thousands waiting for her to get back on stage and did this only so they weren't disappointed? She didn't know.

During the last song of the show she nearly stopped singing at what she saw, but the show must go on.

The wrist lights on everyone's wrists went off except for the section right in front of her and it spelled out something.

I'm Sorry - E

Then it changed to something else.

I'll Make It Up For you - E

Then everyone's wrist lights went back on and it was normal.

What was he up to? And why was he making it harder for her to hate him?

"Was that you?" She asked Tony when she got in the car and he was unexpectedly there.

"Yeah. A little hacking is all it took."

"It's going to take a lot more than that for me to forgive you. It was cute, but not enough, and I'm currently hating you, so..."

"I know."


Sure, Alana told herself she'd get over him and not deal with him if that's what he was going to do with her.

But he was her Eddie. 

And she once told Bruce that you don't give up on the people you love. So if he was really going to change, she couldn't be happier, but like she said, it'll take a lot for her to forgive him. What he did to her was uncalled for.

And she won't forgive him easily. She's going to give him a hard time.

I Don't Care | Tony Stark ~ wrong numberTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon