" I think logging out of your social media to avoid seeing those pictures and videos would do you good." Rachael continued but as she spoke, the next video that played on my phone was the one of Jake Harley proposing to Emma. He had the stupidest smile on his face but the emotion his eyes held were unmistakable. He was fucking in love with Emma and he couldn't even hide it if he tried to. It pained me that Emma just stood there staring at him when she could have fucking called him out on his bullshit.

He was about to take her fingers and slip the ring on and that's where I lost it . My eyesight was blurry to a point that I was only seeing red.

" Wallace, turn the car around ."

" Yes sir." He replied, turning the steering wheel almost immediately. My kids were home today because the summer holidays had begun so Wallace was driving me .

" Logan, stop. You'll only make things worse if you go over to Alpha virtual." Rachael said. " You could blow things out of proportion and dent your image. Just come back to the office - please."

I honestly wanted to go over to Alpha virtual and teach Jake how to keep his fucking hands off my woman but unfortunately for me, Rachael had a point. I breathed in to repress the boiling anger I was feeling.

" Let's go to Ross Mobile ." I told Wallace.

The moment I walked into Ross Mobile, Rachael met me in the lobby.

" Wow , you look like you haven't slept in days." Rachael pointed out, judging from my eye bags.

" That's because I haven't."

" I'm sorry about that and sorry for everything that's happening. Mrs Priestly will be here soon."

" How soon ?" I asked Rachael as I noticed the eyes of my staff looking at me apprehensively and turning away like I would yell at them any minute . I was on the verge of doing that anyway . They had definitely heard the scandalous gist but that doesn't mean they should stare at me instead of doing what I fucking pay them for.

" She'll be here by eleven ." Rachael replied as she managed to get into the elevator with me before the doors closed. I usually speed walked when I was angry and that was to her disadvantage.

I turned to her, my displeasure clearly written on my face , I was sure. " Eleven is too far away."

" Eleven is only forty minutes away. Besides, she just has a little emergency to deal with."

" I'm her highest paying client, I should be her number one priority or else get me another publicist right now."

Rachael looked at me like I had just said the most absurd thing. " I can't get you another publicist . Mrs Priestly is the best publicist in New York."

The elevator doors open and I walked out .
" Fine." I grunted.

" In other news, Mr Gray sent an invite for you. He's having a birthday and recovery party tomorrow at his house." Rachael said.

" Great." I replied non-chalantly.

When I finally got to my office, I sat down and spun my seat around to face my tall glass windows. Maybe taking in the beautiful scenery of New York would help calm my nerves.

I stared at it for some minutes but it didn't do anything to help. If anything, the light emanating from the sun was making the throbbing in my head worse.

I spun my chair around again and met with Rachael who was still standing there, staring at me worriedly.

" I have a headache. Please get me some aspirin."

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