Flowers || Chapter 69

Start from the beginning

"I bet you that's him right now telling you that he misses you." She crossed her arms over her chest and raised a brow as I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone.

It was in fact Luca texting me that he missed me. I smiled and she said 'mhm' as in she was right. I rolled my eyes and went to my side of the room.

He told me that he needed to pick Estrella up last minute so Paola had to tag along because she has a test tomorrow. I was still mad but calmed down when he called me and I heard his voice.

"Hi baby." I immediately blushed at him calling me that.

"Hi idiot." He laughed at my harshness.

"Why are you upset with me?"

"Who said I'm upset?"

"You can't fool me princess, anyways I have to go. I just called because I missed your voice. I'll text you later okay?"

"Mhm..." he laughed before throwing a smooch into the phone.

"Bye baby."

"Whatever." He laughed before disconnecting the call.

'I'll make it up to you princess I promise😘.' I smiled when I saw the text.

As I laid in bed I heard a soft knock on the door growing my confusion due to the time now being 12:35 am. Sofi was fast asleep and I was nothing but wide awake. After making my way to the door I froze when I opened it and saw Luca standing on the other side with a hand behind his back and a big adorable smile. I made sure no one was in the hallway sort of panicked but sighed relived when it was just us. Luca kissed me earning a soft moan before he walked us into the room closing the door softly behind him.

"Wait Luca Sofi." I said softly making him glance her way before looking back at me.

"We'll just have to be extra quiet." He winked and I blushed not knowing what to even say. My eyes took in his feature in the poorly lit room and like always he looked so delicious. My lamp was on the dim setting since I didn't want to disturb Sofi.

"I got you something." He whispered with his big smile.

"Luca...." I pouted crossing my arms making him lowly chuckle. He knew I hated getting gifts. Luca pulled out a bouquet of flowers from behind him and I smiled looking from them to him. It brought me back to a conversation we had a while back.


'Can I call you?' I smiled before replying to Lucas text.


He called seconds after and I answered just as fast.

"Hi baby."

"Hey." I spoke smiling my ass off. I was in bed laying down on my back with one hand on my stomach and the other holding the phone to my ear.

"Check your phone." My brows furrowed but I obliged nevertheless.


'I can't give you real ones yet so for now this will have to do.' I felt my cheeks heat up and hurt from smiling so hard.

"Thank you Luca." I said into the phone to which he chuckled.

"Anything for you princess."

{Flashback end}

I smiled kissing his lips before taking them from his hands.

"Thank you Luca." I whispered against his lips before kissing him again smiling hard as fuck.

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