"It's late. How about we go to sleep?" He suggested. 

I shook my head, "Can't we stay up a little more?"

"Why? You have to wake up early tomorrow"

"I don't want to end this day" I mumbled.

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head, "As much as I'd love this day to last longer, you have to rest"

I sighed, "Okay"

The moment I said that, he picked me up and carried me to my room.

"I can walk, you know" I laughed.

"I won't be able to have you close tomorrow so I don't want to spend a second apart today"

I felt my face get hot. We had the lights off so he probably wouldn't be able to tell I was blushing, but I hid my face in his chest.

He put me on my bed and lied down next to me, "Goodnight, my Hanon"


"You don't even work that much yet you took a whole day off" I heard Cameron murmur.

I decided to ignore him. Maybe if I acted dumb he would stop.

"Are you deaf? Why did you take the day off?"

"I'm sorry Cam, but you don't need to know that. You're not our boss" I smiled hoping he wouldn't get mad.

"I thought you'd become hardworking but you're slacking off again"

I sighed, "Again if there's a problem with how I work, I'm sure our manager will let me know"

"Well if he doesn't see a problem, I'm going to make sure he does" He turned around.

I panicked thinking he would frame me for something and grabbed his forearm.

"Get your dirty hands off me!" He yelled and shook my hand off.

Thankfully we were inside the staff room and no one could hear us.

Isaac was also inside but he didn't get in our way. He's been silent ever since I found out about his lies.

"Cameron, please. I don't know why you hate me so much, but I know I don't deserve this. Can you tell me what I did?"

"You pretend like you're so poor and hardworking and innocent yet you use your looks to get tips"

"What!? I never do that!"

"Yes, you do!"

"It's not my fault people want to tip me because I try to be nice while you're always so moody!"

"You don't even go to college, you're uneducated and yet you somehow say you need this job. I meed this job more than you!"

"What has that got to do with anything?"

He rolled his eyes, "I am not going to talk to someone like you. We'll see what our manager has to say"

"About what? I didn't do anything"

"Yet" He spat out and turned to leave.

I wanted to cry, but I held it in until I could get home.


When I got home, Kai asked me what was wrong and I collapsed in front of him once again.

I sat on the bed covering my face with my hands and cried trying to hold back my sobbing. I heard Kai moving, but I didn't look until he spoke.

"Do you want me to kill him?" He whispered softly and I felt his gentle comforting touch on my bare knee.


My Hanon Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant