Chapter 35: Voyage in Tranquility

Start from the beginning

Blake continues her assault on the sea creature, once again swinging and shooting. The ship's cannons fire but are mostly ineffective and Y/N gets a good idea of the Grimm's speed, as well as the environmental factors and the speed and force of his arrow. Y/N pulls his arrow back and lets it fly to hit the Sea Feilong into the eye as Blake falls back onto the ship's deck, lands on her back, bounces, and quickly gets herself back onto her feet. Her left shoulder hurts when she moves to stand and Y/N looks to her in concern.

The Captain starts steering again.

"Hold steady men, it's not done with us yet! GET THE HEAVY CANNON LOADED!!"

The First Mate changes from being nervous to battle-ready upon hearing this order. The largest cannon on the ship rises up through a trapdoor on the deck, extends itself, and aims at the Grimm. The Grimm's dorsal fin splits apart and extra bone unfolds, revealing two wings. The Sea Feilong lets out a roar as it flies, its beating wings sending a gush of air at the ship. Blake cries out as she hangs on with her hurt left arm and Y/N grabs Blake tight to prevent her from flying off.

The Captain shouts his order, "Heavy cannon, OPEN FIRE!"

The heavy cannon shoots, but the Grimm easily evades it. It opens its mouth and an electric ball forms.

Blake readies to launch herself at it, but Y/N shakes his head and draws an earth arrow and aims for its neck, causing the Sea Feilong to reel back in pain as it shoots the electric stream harmlessly into the air. However, the Sea Feilong discharges an electric channel towards Y/N, catching him off guard from the speed of it and hits him into the air as Blake's eyes widen.


Blake immediately springs into action again.

She jumps onto and off the railing, using Gambol Shroud's kusarigama form on the crow's nest to swing herself around and catch Y/N midair. They land on nearby rocks, with her holding him bridal style as he gives a grateful nod and stands up as Blake runs toward the ship in the water, where the Grimm is firing electric blasts at it. Y/N tries to analyze its movements as he draws another arrow.

On the ship, the Captain is steering while two of his crew are looking at displays.

The First Mate speaks, "Starboard defenses are down, sir!" The Captain raises his eyebrow.

"We still got the heavy cannon?"

Another crew member speaks, "Aye, but it's moving too fast! We can't land a hit!"  The Captain growls.

"Argh. How about the engines?" The First Mate nods.

"Fully functional, Captain!" The Captain smirks.

"Well alright then!"

On the deck, Blake is preparing to counter a hit from the Grimm's electric blast, but Y/N jumps back onto the ship and throws his Jingasa up to block the electricity as it lands back on the deck. The Captain walks out onto the upper deck and calls Y/N and Blake as Y/N picks up his Jingasa and places his back on his head.

"Huntsmen!" Y/N and Blake look up at him. "If you can clip its wings and draw it out towards the bow, we could take it!"

Blake turns away from the Captain to look up at Y/N as he speaks to Blake.

"Blake. Cut the wings, I'll slow it down."

Blake nods as Y/N stands on his hands and holds his legs above him. Blake looks confused, then understands quickly as she jumps onto his feet and he springs her off as she leaps upward off of him. High above the Sea Feilong, Blake begins her descent, avoiding the electric blasts it shoots at her. Y/N narrows his gaze and draws a fire arrow to shoot its whisker, causing it to roar in pain as Blake runs down its right wing, slicing through the thin membrane.

Y/N panics and jumps to the rocky outcroppings as he sees where Blake is falling. As Blake descends, Y/N catches her in his arms, the impact shattering some rocks beneath as Blake smiles at him. The Grimm moves around them, causing the precarious rocky area to collapse. Blake is on the move again as Y/N jumps off the collapsing rock. The Sea Feilong flies after them, knocking rocks down as Y/N maneuvers the rocks. The Captain watches from the bridge through a spyglass before throwing a handle and increasing the boat's speed. It sails beside the Sea Feilong, keeping apace.

Y/N continues to hop around, avoiding the Grimm's attacks until one more move puts him directly in front of its open mouth. Blake swings in on her ribbon and gets him out of reach. As the Grimm prepares a blast to get them both in one shot, it is impaled by the bowsprit of the boat.

The Captain points and yells to his crew, "Fire!"

The heavy cannon fires and hits the Grimm dead on, causing its upper half to be blasted into pieces. The Captain, the First Mate and his crew all cheer. The cheer is upheld by the passengers on the ship who also join in with applause. On their rock, Y/N smiles and lowers his head in relief as Blake grabs his hand and holds it as they both share a smile.

The ship pulls up to the rocks and Y/N and Blake hop back on as the ship as it pulls out and continues on the voyage. The passengers and crew cheer at the defeat of the Sea Feilong as the Captain approaches Y/N and Blake.

"You two did outstanding out there! Thank you for your help with that Grimm!"

Y/N shakes hands with the Captain and Velvet walks up and hugs both Y/N and Blake.


It is nighttime on the middle deck of the ship. Blake is at the railing again, only this time facing sideways.

"So I assume your parents are pleasant people?" She turns around to see Y/N walking up with Velvet, this time without her cast and with a fully-recovered arm.

"That's the very least."

Y/N smiles faintly as Velvet and Blake sit by him on top of the ship and place their hands on top of his as he looks up. Velvet and Blake lean their heads on his shoulders and purr, causing Y/N purr in content as well.

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