Chapter 5: The Badge and the Burden

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"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials."

Weiss P.O.V.

As I stretch my arms as my eyes flutter, I yawn and I hear a whistle blown in my ear. I fall off the bed to see Ruby scream out, "Good morning, Team RWBY!"

I look up at her with a groan.

"What in the world is wrong with you?"

Blake P.O.V.

Ruby looks to us. "I guess we can officially begin our first order of business." Yang is holding a collection of objects - pillows, pamphlets, a candle-holder - in her arms.

"Decorating!" I'm holding a suitcase.

"We still have to unpack." And... my suitcase opens, spilling its contents. "Aaaand clean."

I just realized Y/N isn't here, but I guess it's likely just him getting up early.

Weiss does not look enthusiastic, especially when Ruby knocks her back with the blow of her whistle.

"Aaaalright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission!" She raises her fist into the air, "Banzai!"

Yang and I step beside Ruby as we raise our fists into the air.


Yang places a poster of six guys in various poses named 'THE ACHIEVE MEN' on her part of the room. Weiss positions the painting of the Forever Fall forest to perfection and walks away. I'm busy putting away my books on the shelves, picking up a copy of Ninjas of Love and widening my eyes as I warily looks around before putting it back. Ruby positions Crescent Rose at an exact angle against the curtains so she can perfectly slash a diagonal portion off. A quick zoom around the room ends with us admiring our handiwork... with one problem. The beds are cramped together in the center of the floor as Weiss speaks up.

"This isn't going to work." I also speak up the obvious, "It is a bit cramped."

Yang places a hand to her chin. "Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff..." Ruby looks like she came up with the best thing since sliced bread.

"Or we could ditch the beds... and replace them with bunk beds!" Weiss just widens her eyes.

"Umm, that sounds incredibly dangerous." Yang smirks at the idea.

"And super-awesome!" I just shrug.

"It does seem efficient." Weiss crosses her arms.

"Well, we should put it to a vote..." Ruby just smiles.

"I think we just did." I thumb up the idea, Yang makes a double-rocker gesture, and Weiss angrily curls her fist to the side. Decided, we rush at the beds and run back to the front of the room to admire our handiwork. Ruby speaks up victorious, "Objective: Complete!"

While Weiss's bed is simply on the ground next to her art and luggage, my bed is pillared with my books, which are used to raise Yang's bed over it by placing the novels on the posts, and Ruby's is hanging from ropes on the ceiling with a slice of the curtain used as a tent over it. Ruby just dusts her hands off.

"And our next mission; classes at nine o'clock!" Weiss's eyes widen.

"Wait? Did you say nine o'clock? It's 8:55!"

Third Person P.O.V.

Weiss is the first rushing out of the room and down the hall, the members of RWBY and Team JNPR peeking out from their doorways to look at her go.

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