Chapter 37: HELP ME

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"You could have had money, more money than you could have dreamed of," he moves closer towards me, "You could have had people fear you by your last name and," he opens a box which is on the tray with torture devices, " you could have ran the city when I take over but, you choose a man who isn't blood-related to you."

"He is more of a," I breath between breathes to him, "father than you," I take a deep breathe in as he touches the screwdriver in my thigh, "ever where," my voice is laced with pain and tears start to fall out my eyes.

"Save the tears," he says as moves his hand from the handle of the screwdriver to my thigh with the opening, "For someone who actually cares."

"I should pull the screwdriver out and let you bleed out," he says in a more aggressive tone, "wouldn't you like that? Mhmm, to be put out of your misery?"

I cry escapes my lips and a tear leaves my left eye.

"I am your daughter, why are you doing this" a whisper of pain leaves my lips, I don't know if he heard me but he looks at me.

"Because you're my plan- the plan- which will get me to Mr. Scoleman," my father removed the screwdriver from my leg. An echo of a scream leaves my lips and I hear faint laughing but my screams and cries go louder, blood seeps out faster. I bite my lower lip trying to stop the cries leaving my throat, but more streams of tears rush done my cheeks as blood seeps down my leg to the chair and floor. My screams and cries are to loud to hear the door opening and closing.

"Your pain is funny," a new voice shouts, making me look up. My teeth dig in harder to my lower lip as I see the person.

Why is he here! Why does he get to watch me be in pain? Why doesn't he get his karma for what he did to me.

"Your brother dead," Someone else says, it's true. I was the one who killed his brother and I know he won't kill me just yet.

"You fucking bitch," he says as the same person who told him, is holding him back.

I start shaking my head, he can't be living.

"Crying and shaking your head, the shaking your head was expected but the great Dia has finally shown emotion, can't wait to kill Zak in front of you," a sly smirk spreads on his disgusting face.

"Da- Please," I start saying but my father backhands me.

"Wait, please what?" My father says, pulling my hair to look at him.

"Don't touch him, you can hurt me, burn me, kill me... just don't touch him...please," I say with my teeth gritted.

"She even has feelings," he says with revenge dancing in his eyes and vicious thoughts reflecting in his smirk.

"She has a weakness," my father says, before he pushes my hair backwards.

"Why are you doing this, your my father...your supposed to care about me and joke about killing my boyfriend not actually kill him...why are you-" I say with my jaw clenched and my teeth could fall off from how badly it is gritting against each other.

"Looks like your brat is angry and not crying anymore," a henchman voices their opinion.

"Shall we make her cry some more?" My father questions, making me shake my head...

"Should we bring in Zak? Should we torture him like we have done to you? Would that hurt you more than anything else?" My father says, a sly smirk grows on his mouth. He takes a gun and looks at me. 

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