Chapter 26: Nightmares of Satan

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"Wake up," someone slashes water on me. I regain consciousness. Slowly opening my eyes, my body feeling tired, and my vision is blurry as I try and see who my capturer is.

"Someone finally woke up," a voice I know way to well. It is one of the only voices which send a chill down my spine. One of the only voices which can make me shit myself.

The voice belongs to someone I have wished to never see again.

My arms are strapped behind me against a chair and my legs seem to be strapped against the chairs front legs with cable ties. My arms are tied up with what feels like a bandana, it is pieces of fabric.

My vison goes clear as the voice seems to walk out of the room. Their back is turned away from me. I can not clarify if it is who I think it is.

Someone walks in front of my view from the person. There are two men in front of me. One with black hair and another with blonde hair, they look about my age or a year older.

I have to be at my enemy's warehouse. I should have never underestimated the enemy's ability to locate, track, stalk, capture and now torture.

"I was wondering when you would figure it out, you were always a smart girl but also a killer. Imagine if I send your boyfriend a list of all the people you have killed and how you have killed them?" another voice says from behind me. The voice sounds familiar like a girl's voice, but I am to tired and in shock to know who it is.

"Imagine the heart break on his face, the trust he had trusted you with. I think he even fall for you," Another voice says from behind me- this voice is cold, stone cold.

"You have to pay for your sins," the three of them say like they are in a cult. The fuck is happening. Can someone please tell me this is a fucking joke or something. I look over to my right to see a tray with equipment. Not normal equipment- torturing equipment. This is going to be nightmare from Satan. My ass is about to get beaten up.

"Why do I have to pay, if you make me pay then you should also be out killing rapist and other killers," I say quickly trying it by myself time. I know my expression is shock. I know what a torture table looks like- I have my own which I use for moles, rats and to torment other people for giving me shit.

"You will be outed for your secrets," the first voice says from looking at the door.

"You will be outed on your body count," the cold voice says from behind me.

"If I slept with any of you, I am sorry," I say trying to get out of this.

I know there is not getting out of this alive, I might have hope to get out of this alive but defiantly not unharmed.

I swallow my saliva, trying to understand what is happening. Someone from behind me comes up and grabs my neck. 

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