Chapter 3: Living next to Mr Perfect

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I walk into my room, dropping my bag at the door. My room has a bunk bed, at the top is the bed and at the bottom is a desk. I have a walk-in closet which at the end of it has a bathroom with a black interior and black marble as the counter and bathtub.

The apartment is spacious enough for Magen and I to be staying together. Occasionally I go to my mother's place for supper where the family gets to catch up with what is going on in our lives. My mother makes it compulsory for me and my siblings to go and my father doesn't disagree with her. He says it is her wishes and we should respect them.

I leave my phone on my desk, while I head to the bathroom for a relaxing tub bath, to relax myself before starting my schoolwork.


I walk back into my room with a towel wrapped around my head from washing my hair and with short shorts on and a crop top. I do not feel like drying my hair right now.

I pick up my phone to see if anyone has texted me.

Unknown number: Hey, it is Zak

I save his number on my phone. I wonder what his parents would think about him texting me. Texting the rival's daughter. Tabloids would die for a story like this.

Mr. Perfect: Hey it is Zak

Me: *location pin drop*

Mr. Perfect: here is my address

Mr. Perfect: *location pin drop*

Zak Harandas lives next to me!??

How does he live next to me? I would have notice him. I would have seen him enter and exit his house.

"What?" I scream from my room; he is directly across me. The apartment across me. My jaw drops just as Magen runs into the house.

"Are you alright," Magen comes rushing in, she looks me up and down.

"No, Zak Harandas lives next to us!!" I loudly inform her; she laughs at me before rolling her eyes.

"You never knew?" I shake my head at her question.

"Have you never been present for his parties, his brother throws when he gets good marks?" she asks another question, I bite my lip while I think.

I never really cared about our neighbors' parties. I would sometimes try to be at the safety house. I keep to myself because if I do not care about other people, they won't care about my past.

"Shem, girl, you need to be more cautious, you never know if an enemy could be living with you," Magen says, I look at her weirdly, "I am by you, sorry English is not Englishing."

I look at her, "I guess so but you're the one who picks those things up."

"True, don't you have a boxing match today?" she reminds me about boxing. My face drops. She smiles as she walks into my closet, she brings me back. I give her a confused expression.

"It is a premade bag for you, I have five of the bags made for always forget, and I wanted to help you out," she informs me, placing the bag in my hands.

"Thank you so much, you're a life and money saver," I say, before walking out of the room to get ready.

My phone buzzes in my hands. Magen looks at me as I stop in the doorway.

Mr. Perfect: Can we start our notes for tmr, today?

Me: I am busy tonight

Mr. Perfect: But then how will we be prepared for tmr?

Me: Idk

Mr. Perfect: nvm, my friend is taking me to a place, can we at least try tmr?

Me: Sure?

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