Washijou hummed. "It's good that you can point out your own flaws and improvements. That's a great trait for an olympian to have."

You smiled coyly, not really used to getting complimented by the Shiratorizawa coaches. Especially not by Washijou.

"Just continue practicing. After a certain point it'll just become muscle memory. Don't get discouraged."

You hummed, smiling softly as you looked back at Goshiki standing up from his stretches.

He looked at you, smiling brightly as you waved at him, watching as he confidently waved back. The boys around him looking between him and you.

Washijou cleared his throat, fixing you with a look before glancing at the clock.

"You should get going to your own practice. I don't want Kojima bickering at me for taking his star player." He said, grumbling the last part.

You softly snickered, nodding as you agreed with him, beginning to walk towards the exit before you heard someone call your name.


You glanced back, looking at Goshiki in question as he pointed at his sports bag on the bench near the doors.

"Your shoes are next to my sports bag!"

You nodded, grateful he had reminded you.

"Thank you!" You called back, walking over to the bench he pointed to and sitting next to his bag as you slipped your shoes on.

You glanced up in between doing so, catching two blondes looking your way before quickly looking elsewhere.

You ignored it, glancing at Goshiki as he stood tall and confident. Arms behind his back as he held his head up high, intently listening to what coach Washijou was saying.

You stood up, rearranging your bag over your shoulders as you walked towards the doors and, as silently as you could, slid them open.

You stepped outside, glancing back at Goshiki and smiling at him one more time before closing the doors and walking to the girls' gym.

"Drop off your jackets and get in line, we'll go ahead and start with the first drill." Washijou declared, stepping back to the ending line as the boys dispersed to their bags to drop off their jackets.

"Yah, Goshiki!"

Goshiki glanced back, looking at Koganegawa running up to him, bright smile on his face that mimicked that of the little tangerine next to him.

"You know Oikawa Y/N-san?!"

Goshiki stopped at his, looking at the top of his bag to see the corner of a white and blue box sticking out.

He carefully opened the zipper of his bag up more, peering inside to see what it was before a small smile lit up his face.

The white and blue box was a box of Caffarrel Tokyo Gianduia Chocolate Pie, which was only sold in Tokyo Station.

Right next to it was a wooden ninja kokeshi doll with a piece of paper in between them.

He slightly moved the doll to the side to see the full paper, his smile only getting brighter as he saw the printed picture you had left for him.

It was a picture of you in front of the Ajinomoto National Training Center in Tokyo.

You had your arms extended outwards as you drew on a pretty crappy rainbow from one hand to the other.

The rainbow had in bold letters, 'To my Tsutomu-kun.'

Goshiki couldn't help but laugh, stepping back and towards the line already waiting for him as he mumbled under his breath.

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Where stories live. Discover now