No Relaxing || Chapter 54

Start from the beginning

"You call when I'm around people." I simply stated with a shrug.

"Stop being like that Lyla, you're acting like you don't want this anymore." He said sort of sad.

"Or is that what it is?" I didn't respond and just stared into his eyes. That's not what I want, but if I shut him out first then it won't hurt when he gets with Paola. Suddenly the door opened and both of our gaze went to the door. There stood Ms.Poopola with a frown.

"I thought you'd be alone Mr.Grey." She said as she walked in closing the door. Ever heard of fucking knocking bitch?

"Awww it's the American flag." She said with a big smile.

"If it isn't Ms.Perfect." I said with a fake smile.

"You say it like it's a bad thing." She said as she flipped her hair sitting down with her perfect smile pissing me off.

"Actually I take that back, if you were little Ms.Perfect you wouldn't be such a dumbass....oops, did I hit a nerve?" I smirked when I saw her glare at me.

"See you around prick." I got out of my chair and grabbed my bag.

"Detention Ms.Valentine."

"Sorry but I have plans Mr.Gay." I walked out with that. God I'm so pissed.

Shit I called him gay....that couldn't be any further from the truth. After storming out I ran into Eric who as always was a ray of sunshine.

"What's up babe?" He asked cheerly as he threw an arm over my shoulders leading us down the steps. I laughed shaking my head.

"I'm just here still breathing."

"Why so down? Who did something to you? Do you want me to shank them or something? Maybe beat them up?" I rolled my eyes with a small smile seeing as how he'll do anything to see me happy.

"Do you want a blunt? Cocaine? Licor? Sex maybe?" I laughed which made him smile.

"There's that laugh, stop frowning you look old." He kissed my cheek and I giggled.

"Okay fine, I'll take a weed brownie though." I said raising a brow. He laughed and nodded leading me to his dorm room where he gave me edible gummies. After that I decided to take some me time and enjoy the sun by the benches. My little relaxing moment didn't last long since the stupid little Ms.Perfect decided to make an appearance.

"What the hell do you think you were doing in Mr.Greys office? He's mine and off limits so back the fuck off, and if you dare tell him about my plan I will murder you." Paola said standing all up in my personal space as I tried to enjoy the sun.

"Calm down Poopola, you're not relevant in my world, plus I thought I didn't have a chance? So why are you so pressed?" I rolled my eyes before closing them and letting me head lean back on the bench. The sun felt so good on my skin balancing out the cold windy air.

"What did you just call me?!" I sighed before bringing my head up with my face plaster in boredom. God she's annoying.

"I didn't tell him about your pathetic plan to throw yourself at him, so get the fuck away from me will you?" I smiled sarcastically and she glared at me before slapping me making my face turn to the side.

I slowly turn my face back towards her and no matter how many times I told myself to just let it be I couldn't. I got up and took a fist full of her hair before delivering a few punches. We were now on the floor her onto of me trying to hit me but I blocked my face before punching her in the ribs and getting on top of her beating her until I was pulled off.

"Wrong bitch and wrong day whore!" I shouted as I was escorted to the office by two of the guards. Why can't I have one relaxing day?!

"Ms.Valentine...why am I not surprised?" Mr.Abraham spoke when he walked into his office seeing me seated in my regular chair waiting for him. I was sitting back with my legs crossed and my arms folded over my chest.

"Because you'll be a moron to be surprised seeing me here." I smirked and he rolled his eyes sitting down before me.

"What the hell am I even going to do with you?" He sighed and I wanted to laugh.

"There's no point in wasting both of our time here, just send me on my merry way and we can forget this ever happen, I mean we both know these punishments do nothing for someone like me; I'm still always in trouble." I shrugged and he sighed.

"If I could send you to jail I would." He said crossing his arms.

"I wish you could too honestly." I shrugged and he laughed.

"Detention at 5:00pm with Ms.Ortega." I nodded and got out of the chair walking out. Just as I was out of Mr.Abrahams office Luca pulled me into his.

Fucking great.


Aww Lyla's slipping🫣‼️



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