"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 8

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School had been all but forgotten as Draco, Pansy, and I hid out at Malfoy Manor alongside the death eaters and Voldemort himself. None of us could show our faces until we were ready to enter the school and take out the light, lest we be captured by aurors and sent to Azkaban prison to rot.

Each and every one of us had a target on our backs now that the public was aware of my friends and I's position in this war. The Dark Lord intended for us to invade the school's walls in two days time, the elder wand now in his possession and essentially nothing stopping him from taking over the entirety of the wizarding world.

My father had warned the headmistress what to expect that night after Dumbledore's death and had continued to report to her undercover to keep her in the loop about our side as well as keep himself in the loop about her side. Mcgonagall was keeping a close eye on Harry as well as the other horcruxes, allowing us to deal with the Snake in our own time and making sure the golden boy didn't try anything reckless as Gryffindors were so well known for doing.

However, there was still one matter to take care of before the war began. All three of us had successfully completed our designated tasks and were now officially part of his circle. However, we were promised that one would be chosen to take his mark and reside within his inner circle of trusted few.

The meeting would be held any time now to inform us who had pleased the Dark Lord the most, ensuring the light side would be able to see for themselves that he had succeeded in turning some of their own against them. I knew I needed to be the one to take the mark, I had been preparing myself to be the one to take the mark for months so my new friends did not have to suffer such a tragedy.

Nevertheless, I was petrified. What if I wasn't chosen? What if my efforts were futile? Or worse, what if they weren't? What if I was chosen? I would have his symbols branded on my skin like an animal, owned by a cruel and abusive master until my death.

I paced my room, thick heels tapping on the wooden floors as my mind whirled a mile a minuet. Every possible outcome to this scenario was running through my head at the same time, brain desperately searching for a way out. But unfortunately there just wasn't one this time. We were now playing Russian roulette, and only time would tell who's life would be altered forever more.

A knock sounded at my door, pausing my pacing as my eyes shot towards the sound. I hesitated for only a moment before calling out for the person to enter, my father stepping into the room with a blank expression on his dark features.

"It's time." The man stated, my singular, curt nod making him turn on his heel and stride off, expecting me to follow suit.

The man didn't speak to me as we made our way downstairs, clearly not wanting to take a chance of ruining whatever walls I had already built up to protect my mind. He was cold towards me but I understood it, because I did the exact same thing. It kept us safe, it kept us alive, I couldn't afford to become a slave to my emotions now.

As we made it to the ground floor we met up with the others, Draco walking between his parents in front of us, Pansy doing the same behind us as my father fell into step at my left side. We all strode towards the meeting room in complete silence, each and every one of us trying our best to keep it together under the extensive pressure.

As we entered the room the first thing I noticed was the lack of the enormous table usually sat in the middle of the space. The death eaters all stood in a loose circle with Voldemort at the head of the room, Nagini at his side.

The three of us were pushed into the middle, our parents finding their spots in the circle and awaiting their master's orders. I stood in between my boyfriend and my best friend's girlfriend, hands clasped behind my back as I stood tall and proud, taking on the infamous stoic expression of the Snape family.

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