Regina Mills X Reader (Smut)

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"Good morning Miss Mills." I greeted warmly as my boss stepped through the doors. The mayor offered me a kind smile and a nod as she returned the welcome before heading into her office for the day.

I wheeled myself over to my computer to begin filing paperwork for the day and await the daily visit from sheriff Humbert. He always arrived at exactly 7:03am with a cream cheese bagel from Granny's diner for the madam mayor's breakfast.

Due to our close friendship in the enchanted forest I had been spared from Regina's curse. However, that had been both a blessing and, well, a curse.

While I was grateful to my friend for trusting me enough to allow me to know the truth and keep her company these many years, it was still quite boring doing the same thing day in and day out. I knew everyone's exact schedule by now, the only one mildly altering their ways being Regina's adopted son Henry who had a spell placed over him simply to keep him from noticing the strange behavior of the rest of the townspeople.

Other than that I had spent my days filing the mayor's paperwork, learning the routine she had put everyone in when we came to this strange world, and spending time with the woman herself. We had grown closer these last several years with no one else to confide in and lately things had shifted to even be more on the romantic side, not that either of us really understood our feelings towards each other.

Graham was right on schedule, throwing his hand up in greeting as he passed me and I offered him a small smile as I did every morning, not that he knew that. I knew he would remain here until exactly 7:48, just enough time for him to walk to the station with two minuets to spare in order to clock in for the day.

Regina had me filing some older paperwork regarding one of old mine tunnels collapsing a few years back and that kept my attention until the soft footfalls of the sherif returned to the front desk, waving a quick goodbye to me and sauntering out the door with a quickness in his step. My lunch break was at 12:00 sharp and I kept my eye on the slow moving second hand as I bided my time with more paperwork. Exciting.

As soon as the clock struck 12 I grabbed my bag and headed out the door towards Granny's diner to pick up lunch for my boss and I. It was my day to pay, and therefore my day to decide, so I picked up a couple of turkey and cheese sandwiches for our midday meal.

Returning to the office I made my way down the hallway next to my desk, rapping my knuckles against the smooth wooden door of the mayor's office.

"It's open." I heard from within, allowing me to slip into the room with my rustling sack of food.

"I swear if I still had my magic I would curse all of them. Why they can't even seem to sign their own names correctly is beyond me." I chuckled lightly as the other woman pinched the bridge of her nose in irritation.

"The dwarves again?" I placed a sandwich wrapped in plastic wrap on the desk in front of her.

"They're wanting to go deeper into the mines. They think they've potentially found an oil pocket back there. You'd think they'd at least clear the black gunk off their hands before filling out the paperwork for something they want my permission for." I glanced at the papers on the mayor's desk and noticed she was right, black fingerprints covered the pages to the point they were hardly legible, the signatures at the bottom somehow even worse.

"Well they weren't the most cleanly of people back home either." Regina 'hmed' in agreement, taking a big bite of her sandwich.

We made casual conversation as we kept ourselves entertained for the remainder of the 30 minuet lunch break. This time was generally spent listening to the daily problems that came with being the mayor of the town, and offering any advice that I could to keep Regina from sending anyone to the grave.

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