Day of the Death Eaters Part 2 (NM X Female Reader)

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Panic attack

Later that morning I was summoned by Bellatrix down to the meeting room to begin my lessons in becoming a Death Eater. I was met by the Dark Lord himself, the werewolf wishing to violate me, the crazy insane asylum patient that had escorted me, Scabior, and Barty Crouch Jr. the others were Merlin knows where in the large house avoiding what would be going on in this room shortly.

I sighed and set my shoulders, occluding my mind and glaring harshly at every single person in the room, daring them to fuck with me. Bellatrix chuckled at my actions, giving me a pouty look before speaking.

"Aw how cute. Trying to look all tough in front of the boys." She laughed a sinister laugh, decaying teeth out for all to see as she sauntered over to her spot beside her master, molding her body against his side like his little whore.

I glared at the psychotic woman before shifting my gaze to the man at her side, awaiting my orders.

"Miss y/l/n if you are to be one of us you must become accustomed to using more.. extreme measures against those that wrong us." I knew exactly what that meant. Mind control. Torture. Killing. The three unforgivables.

"Of course my lord." I returned his sadistic smile with one of my own, narrowing my eyes and quirking one side of my mouth up to appear more enthralled about my lessons.

"Bellatrix?" The snake faced man called, the woman in question knowing what he wanted and walking back over to me with her wand swinging at her side.

She stopped in front of me and held her free hand out. "Wrist." It was a command rather than a request and I did as she said, laying my exposed arm in the manic woman's grasp.

Her hold on me was tight, long dirty nails digging into the soft flesh as she poked the tip of her wand into my wrist hard enough for a single drop of blood to form around the weapon.

Bellatrix mumbled a spell under her breath before releasing me and returning to her original position. I looked at my bloody arm to see a tiny black line carved into my skin running vertically and not even covering an inch of the exposed flesh.

I furrowed my brow in confusion as my gaze found its way upwards and flitted between Lord Voldemort and his little prison pet, silently asking for an explanation.

"The small tattoo allows us to slip through the ministry's wards when it comes to using the unforgivable curses. With it, they can no longer detect any magic coming from your fingertips." I glanced back down to my arm, brushing the thumb of my other hand over it and smearing the blood across my marred skin. 'So that's how they've done it all this time'.

"Now, onto the fun stuff." A door opened behind me to reveal a bound and gagged woman being guarded by the Dark Lord's familiar, Nagini. The large snake hissed and posed to strike behind the woman, pushing her forwards into the room of onlookers.

Fear was evident in her big brown eyes and I assumed her to be a muggle as I did not recognize her. Not to mention the fact that the others were looking down on her with disgust. The brunette's eyes pleaded with me to help her but I knew I couldn't. It would get me killed alongside the stranger.

The people in the room surrounded the young woman, including myself, and someone undid her bindings magically.

"Who-who are you?" She asked in a quivering, quiet voice. "What do you want with me? How did you undo my bindings without touching me?" The poor woman was terrified. She couldn't have been more than 27 years old.

"Silence muggle." The stranger looked around frantically at all of us as the snake faced man spoke, unable to even comprehend his looks in her fearful state. She did however go silent.

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