"Help Me" (NM X Reader Hurt/Comfort)

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I twiddled my thumbs idly, listening to my father drone on and on about the medicinal uses of toad skin. Utterly fascinating.

I had resorted to mindlessly doodling little flowers on the side of my notes, that and random words in a calligraphy front were my go to boredom buster for some strange reason. I managed to tune out my father's monotonous voice just enough to keep my sanity intact while still being able to answer any useless questions he may throw at me if he noticed my daydreaming.

However, my attention was brought back to the present by a strange warmth settling in the middle of my chest, my hand automatically grabbing at the stone that resided there. My eyes darted frantically towards my father, his back to me as he paced his way through the desks towards the front of the classroom.

In a split second I made my decision, not wasting anymore time before darting from my seat. The chair scraped loudly on the concrete floor, my path uninterrupted as I was sat in the back of the room near the door.

I was able to make it out the door before my father had time to react in any way other than sudden silence, watching me speed out the door without warning. I didn't care what they thought. Any of them. I would deal with the consequences of my actions later.

My feet pounded down the endless hallways, cloak billowing out behind me as I sped down the corridors and out into the afternoon light. Everyone was currently in class so I didn't have to worry with teachers potentially stopping me, allowing me to run straight out the gates and off the school grounds with only a few bewildered glances from other students wandering about the halls.

Still running I clasped the necklace in my hand, it's heat warming my palm instantaneously as I closed my eyes and focused my thoughts, releasing a long breath as I imagined the person I so desperately needed to see.

I hadn't actually tried this out yet, the soulmate stone still a rather new addition to my daily routine. All I really knew was that it grew hot when the other person needed you, and that it would take you to them if you focused your energy on them.

So, it was as good a time as any I supposed. She needed me.

I felt the familiar tug of apparition, my head spinning and my body jolting through space and time as I hoped to God I wouldn't splinch myself. Now was so not the time to fuck up.

My feet landed abruptly on a hard floor, my surprised and confused gaze peering around as I tried to figure out where I was. I had expected the stone to take me to the outskirts of the property and outside the protective wards. However, I furrowed my brows as I found myself already inside the walls of Malfoy Manor and inside a bedroom.

I spun on my heel and took in my surroundings further, finally recognizing Narcissa's bedroom.
My eyes landed on the witch herself perched on the edge of her large bed, complete surprise and slight fear filling her gaze as she stared at me and I at her. The older witch's eyes were red rimmed with tears and I could still see the gleam of water running down her cheeks, bottom lip quivering as her breaths came in short bursts.

Without hesitation I strode towards her. "Well that worked better than I expected. What's wrong?" I demanded, immediately sitting down beside her and pulling the quivering woman into my arms who was still staring at me as if I had grown an extra head.

However, as confused as she may be, Narcissa fell into me as soon as my arms wrapped around her, hugging me tightly as she buried her face in my chest. A sob wracked her body as she tried to speak, unable to get anything intelligible out as she lost all control of her emotions.

"Shh Cissy. I'm here. I've got you." I cooed, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as one hand stroked her shaking back. The other witch clung to me desperately, tears streaming down my front as she tried to curl herself into me further.

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