Narcissa Black X Female reader A Modern Smutstory pt. 2

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It may have been an off day for me, however, my lover had to be in the office early this morning to interview a potential new recruit interested in working for the Adrego Modeling Agency.

I expertly weaved us through 7am work traffic in the heart of New York City which was a feat unto itself. It did help that the car was charmed to avoid pedestrians and other vehicles no matter how horribly I drove.

Normally the two of us walked the short distance between our apartment building and the company building but neither of us were feeling it today being as it was so early. Narcissa wanted to be in her office by the time the girl arrived, and we rolled into the parking lot beside the large office building at exactly 7:10, giving her plenty of time to do what she needed to do before the real work began.

I put the car in park and relaxed into the black leather seat with a sigh. We had a bit of time to spare and my lover seemed none too eager to start work any sooner than she had to.

I reached across the console separating our seats and rested my hand atop hers, lightly running my thumb across her smooth skin.

"I know what you're up to y/n Adrego but I have work to do." The other woman said with an amused smirk.

"You have time. Marcy won't be here for at least 20 more minutes. We haven't had car sex in ages." I laughed and started toying with the hem of her tight black pencil skirt, slowly pushing one finger in between her thighs before tracing the skin as lightly as possible causing goosebumps to rise on the other witch's porcelain skin.

"That is true isn't it? Hmm but I do need to go and set up my office space and it would be terribly inappropriate if Marcy saw me in the state you tend to leave me in." Narcissa pretended to ponder on whether or not she was going to let me fuck her senseless.

"I'll make it quick." And in one swift movement I had straddled the other woman in the passenger seat, our lips crashing together and my hands finding there way to the bottom of her tucked in white blouse.

The windows of the car had a charm over them to appear pitch black from the outside but allowing us to see from inside so there was no fear of being caught.

Narcissa's hands were running up and down my sides as I untucked her shirt and began undoing buttons, all while making out with her. She tried to take control of the kiss but I nipped her bottom lip and elicited a low, animal like growl from deep within my throat telling her to back off.

She gave me a soft glare but allowed me to take back the control and soon I was able to throw open her blouse, revealing a lacy black bra and leaving nothing to the imagination.

"You seem to have been expecting this sweetheart." I said as my eyes roamed over the see through material. The woman in question had her back arched against the seat, pushing her exposed breasts upwards and allowing me to drink in the sight before me.

"I might have taken a guess when you were hurrying me along to get ready." She chuckled before seductively dragging her bottom lip between her teeth and letting her head loll back against the seat as she palmed her own breasts through the thin material of her bra.

A moan escaped the beautiful woman as she pleasured herself and a small throb echoed through my lower half at the sight.

I attached my lips to her open throat and nipped quite hard, making the witch gasp and slightly flinch at the sudden pain. "That's my job love." I whispered breathily.

I replaced her hands with my own, groping at her mounds roughly and leaving a trail of wetness on her neck from my little love bites. She may have been right about looking a little inappropriate for work but at least everyone would know who's whore she was.

"Let's get rid of this." I reached around behind my lover and unclasped the bra, pulling it off and throwing it in the driver's seat of the Audi. I sat back for just a moment to stare hungrily at her perky breasts, the woman in question watching me admire her body with lustful eyes.

"You are so gorgeous my love. What did I do to deserve you?" I began rolling my thumbs around her nipples, pinching and twisting as she moved her body around, moaning at the pleasure.

"You're rich." The other witch teased and I gave her a playful glare and pinched one nipple particularly hard, eliciting a gasp from the woman as well as a glare of her own.

"Do you really want to act like a brat when I have you naked in my car?" I asked in a low tone, palming her entire breasts and pushing my crotch downwards into hers.

"Well I'm not naked yet." Narcissa smirked and I had had enough of her tone, flicking my wrist and leaving her butt ass naked in the front seat of our luxury vehicle.

It was nearing 7:30am and people were starting to arrive for their shifts, quickly shuffling past us without any knowledge of what was happening within.

"It's getting a bit cramped up here. Shall we?" I motioned towards the back seat and she obliged, allowing me to pull her over the console with me. I had Narcissa sitting in the middle seat with her legs up on the back rests of the front seats. Had there not been the charmed window tint giving us full coverage, the entirety of New  York City would have had a marvelous view of her dripping pussy.

I sat myself in the floor underneath her and wrapped my hands around her hips, pulling her forwards to the edge of the seat and giving me full access to her core. I started flicking my tongue around her clit, spelling my name and claiming her as my own as the witch fondled her own breasts.

Her noises were heavenly, moans and gasps escaping her throat with each movement of my tongue. My fingers entered her slick entrance and gave her something to clench around as the climax built in her stomach.

"Y/n.. y/n.. Marcy's here. I need to go." The woman was panting, moaning out her statement more than saying it. I glanced towards the side window without slowing my actions and saw the potential model walking towards the front entrance of the building in search of the woman currently spread out naked in the parking lot.

"I mean I can stop if you want." I teased, pulling back for only a split second before having my head roughly pushed back into her throbbing pussy.

"Don't you dare. Just hurry it up will you?" I chuckled into her core, the vibrations of my voice making my girlfriend's walls clench around my fingers.

It didn't take much to push her over the edge, back arching up off of the seat as I continued eating her out and drinking up the juices flowing out of her.

Once she was done I moved back to the front seat and dangled her bra in front of her with a smirk. The only response I received was a glare as she ripped the garment from my hands and began redressing in order to go and interview my new employee.

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