MPHFPC The New Housemate (Fluff)

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A/N: I didn't want to type it out in the title but this will be a Mrs. Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children one shot. No shipping, no smut, just fluff between Mrs. Peregrine and her new ward. This story will be a bit dark, so here's your warning.

The house loomed above the tree line as I forlornly followed the woman in front of me towards my new "home". Miss Avocet, one of the matriarch's from my previous loop, led the way up the dirt trail while holding onto the rope connected to the bindings around my wrists to keep me from doing anything dangerous.

She had no reason to believe I would try anything; however, my reputation preceded me and continued to strike fear in anyone who heard about the incident. Up until about 3 months ago I had no clue what a peculiar or a time loop was but after what happened I had been taken in by the two ymbryne's that ran the "troubled cases" loop as we had come to call it.

I hadn't exhibited my powers since, too afraid of hurting anyone else. Nevertheless the others had taken advantage of that and bullied me relentlessly for what I did. I knew I deserved whatever happened to me and simply took it, knowing I could easily fight back but feeling it was the right punishment for what I had done.

Miss Avocet's loop had acted as a foster home for me until I could be placed elsewhere and the time had finally come. An ymbryne by the name of headmistress Peregrine had agreed to take me as a last resort as no one else was willing to risk their ward's lives on my behalf.

I glanced down the cliff side beside me contemplating what would happen if I just jumped and ended it all right here, right now. Before I could entertain that fantasy for too long though a sharp tug was felt at my wrists as the woman in front of me saw where my gaze was focused.

"Don't even think about it Miss. Adrego." I sighed as I returned my attention to the dusty path below my feet. I wasn't even allowed to die.

Just as we stepped onto the creaky, wooden porch the door swung open to reveal a fairly tall woman with dark hair that matched her 1940's attire, thick black eyeliner that gave her the appearance of a bird even in human form, and in her hand laid a pocket watch that ticked loudly in the quiet summer air.

"Right on time. Hello Miss. Avocet. I do hope the journey wasn't too terrible" the woman moved aside and motioned for us to enter her home, the rope being rugged roughly as I stumbled after the two ymbrynes.

Her wards stood lined up on the staircase to meet their new housemate, youngest in the front with the older ones standing guard over them. No doubt they had heard about my background and were prepared to do what was necessary to keep each other safe while I was here.

"Lovely to see you again Alma. Thank you again for taking her on such short notice, I hate to ask this of you but we had no where else for her to go." The older woman stole a glance in my direction as I tried to keep my head down and avoid being noticed. I could feel my body shaking in anticipation of the punishments I would surely receive at this place, and as much as I hated appearing weak in front of these strangers I was too terrified to care right now.

"Of course. We are happy to be of assistance." The headmistress's tight lipped smile said otherwise and I knew she really didn't want me here either. Her expression did soften a fraction of an inch when she saw my shaking form however.

Miss. Avocet released my wrists from their confines and I rubbed the sting out of my skin from the friction the belts had caused. I crossed my arms across my body and stared at the ground, wishing I could just sink through the floorboards and be done with this nightmare I called my life.

The two ymbryne's watched me for a moment in silence, waiting to see what I would do with my new found freedom. However I no longer had any motivation to try and leave, this was my best option for the time being.

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