The New Fairy

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A/N: Found this in my drafts and just decided to finish it lmao.

Have you ever wondered how nature gets its glow?

Who gives it light and color as the seasons come and go?

Who helps all creatures great and small to walk to swim to fly?

Who crafts such tiny details?

You might see them if you try.

For it's all the work of fairies but they stay well out of sight.

And the first time that a baby laughs, a fairy's life takes flight.


That was the first sensation that I became aware of, the icy breeze blowing across my exposed skin as the leaves of the ancient tree rustled in my ears. I instinctively sat up and spotted numerous intrigued faces peering down at me from where they sat on the leaves and branches of the tree we were well hidden within.

They all looked excited by my arrival as they whispered amongst themselves, but I still had no clue where I was or how I had gotten here. A blonde boy offered me a small smile as he flew past holding a leaf pot filled with shimmery, gold dust and I eyed him curiously, not sure what to make of all of this. My gaze flitted down to see the gold dust coating me, as if it had been sprinkled over my head, and a flowy white dress covering my body.

There came sudden gasps from the crowd and murmurings as a small band of fairies could be seen flying towards us through the branches of the large tree, the shimmery gold dust trailing them and lighting the path they traveled.

Behind them appeared another fairy, this one clothed entirely in the magical dust and wearing a crown atop her head. The murmurs of the crowd told me she was the Queen, Queen Clarion. They group settled themselves just outside of the ring I sat in, the Queen herself floating closer to take a better look at me.

"Born of laughter. Clothed in cheer. Happiness has brought you here." I stared up at her as I found my feet, enchanted by the golden glow surrounding the mythical woman.

"Welcome to Pixie Hollow. I trust you found your way alright?" I had to think for a moment, not remembering my journey in the slightest.

"I.. guess?" I questioned hesitantly, fearful of saying the wrong thing and at the same time testing out my voice.

The Queen chuckled warmly, seemingly amused by my confusion, and I relaxed a fraction of an inch. She didn't seem like a cruel ruler and maybe I'd finally get some answers as to why I had come to this strange place.

"Now, let's see about those wings." Queen Clarion flew around to hover behind me, lightly touching the delicate wings protruding from my shoulder blades and bringing them upright. I hadn't even realized those were there until I felt the ticklish sensation caused by the older fairy's fingertips as she brought them to life.

I felt the warm magic surge through them and into my spine, the energy sending a tingle throughout my body as my wings were made useable. I couldn't help the small laugh that escaped my throat as I stared in awe behind me, feeling the wings flitter at my command.

The woman offered me her hand and I took it, fluttering the new appendages cautiously as I lifted a few feet into the air. It was a bit frightening and I wasn't exactly sure how to land now that I was up, but I flew a couple of circles around the Queen as she giggled at my awe.

I landed back on my feet a bit awkwardly and laughed, wondering what magical opportunity I'd be gifted next.

"Now, let's find where you belong child." The older fairy motioned with her hand and wooden tables began appearing around me, different fairies coming forwards and placing various items in each spot.

I looked around at each of the items wondering what they meant. A few fairies smiled or waved at me as they dropped their items in their places before flying back to the others, each group clothed in a specific color. How very peculiar.

"Feel which one you are called to little one. This will determine your talent in Pixie Hollow. I promise you'll know which one is for you." I nodded towards the Queen that I understood and looked around, trying to do what she said and feel where I was meant to be.

I first tried the water drop, looking up towards the eager faces of the blue clothed fairies as I tried to touch the dew drop. However, as soon as my finger made contact with the liquid it fell and the light around it snuffed out.

Afraid I had done something wrong my eyes shifted towards Queen Clarion who just motioned towards the other tables, encouraging me to continue.

Next I tried to stick my hand in a tornado of pollen, to no success. I continued passing by several tables that did not interest me before my eyes were drawn towards one table in particular.

A brown leaf floated in the air above the small table, the fairies associated with it clothed in earthy brown material. Fall fairies.

I slowly allowed my fingers to grasp the leaf which didn't fall limply like the water drop had. Instead, the small leaf actually floated upwards, being encased in a wall of light and signifying my talent had been chosen.

"Wonderful." The Queen spoke, "Autumn fairies come forward and greet your newest member, Orla."

I turned to look out at the group of fairies flying towards me with grins plastered on their faces. 5 greeted me, welcoming me to both Pixie Hollow and their talent group.

"We're so glad to have you here Orla." A girl spoke.

"Yeah it's wonderful. We rarely get a new person within the Autumn talent." I turned to see a boy.

The five quickly ushered me into the sky once the welcoming ceremony had been completed and towards my new home, pointing out all the different residencies of all the different talents along the way.

"Soon you will meet the Minister of Autumn Orla. Until then, this will be your new home." The boy, who I had learned was named Blaze, landed on a branch of one of the many trees within our part of Pixie Hollow.

My new home was made directly into the tree itself, the top of an acorn acting as a door. A large grin was plastered on my face as I peered out at all the other Fall fairies working as I took in the view from my front door. It was beautiful, I could see all of Pixie Hollow from here.

"This is absolutely wonderful Blaze. Thank you." I spoke sincerely, stepping inside the small, bare house and looking around. It definitely had potential, just needed my own personal touch is all.

"You are most welcome Orla. We will leave you to get settled. Come and find us in the center of the village when you're ready." I nodded and the five flew off, waving their goodbyes as they went.

I returned to my new home, the cool Fall wind rustling through the multicolored leaves of the tree I resided in. I think I was going to like it here.

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