"Sick Day"

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Sick fic, no vomiting

I had tossed and turned all night long, head aching from the consistent dull pain that had settled at the base of my skull. It wasn't migraine level severity but I wasn't one to get headaches often. Quite frankly I only remembered having a real headache like this one other time in my life and therefore had no tolerance whatsoever for the painful drilling sensation in the back of my head.

I had always heard lying in a dark, quiet room was the best cure but I couldn't even do that. With the pounding in my head making my stomach do summersaults the only way I could avoid a full blown panic attack over being sick was to have both the bright, fluorescent lights and the blaring tv on to convince my anxiety riddled brain I wasn't alone and that we were ok.

Thankfully neither the light nor the noise really seemed to make the headache worse, I just don't know that it was necessarily helping either. I was just a little bit shivery underneath my thick comforter and sheets and I assumed I had a mild fever as well, sinuses beginning to drain and sending globs of snot down the back of my throat.

'Great.' I thought, sneezing for the 12th time in the last 10 minuets. I had always been particularly prone to sinus issues, as were my mother and older sister, so this really wasn't anything to be concerned about, just annoying.

I hiked the blankets up to my chin, curling my knees up to my chest as I continued to shiver every so often. The hours had passed painfully slow but I had finally made it to morning and could hear the first footsteps passing by my bedroom door, the early morning sunlight streaming through my windows and muffled voices aiding in easing my anxiety.

There was no way in Hell I was getting up, let alone dealing with loud people or trying to eat greasy breakfast food right now. I knew they would all be occupied with the party tonight and shouldn't need or bother me so I was happy to stay right where I was, attempting to sleep and watching cartoons when I ultimately gave up.

The Death Eaters had been hiding out at Malfoy Manor for just over 3 months now and last night they had succeeded at their 100th raid on the non purebloods so naturally tonight there would be a celebration full of food, alcohol, and general sinfulness in honor of so much tainted blood spilled.

While the elves would be the ones setting up the party in the back gardens I had no doubt most everyone would start pre gaming at breakfast this morning and I had absolutely no desire to be a part of it. Technically I was supposed to be there, being an upcoming death eater and all if my parents had anything to say about it, but no one paid that much attention to me and they certainly wouldn't miss me when they were all off their faces on firewhiskey and ecstasy at 4pm.

I managed to "sleep" through breakfast and lunch with ease, mostly catching up on every episode of Tom and Jerry ever released. My headache had finally begun to ease in the late afternoon and I was feeling significantly better without the pounding in my skull. However, I had still sneezed more times today than I had in my entire life and was still absolutely positive I was going to die by drowning in snot.

It was nearing party time and I had begun to hear voices and footsteps traveling past my door every so often, everyone returning to their bedrooms to get ready to get sloshed; although I couldn't help but notice how several of them already sounded like they were stumbling around the manor well before the festivities had even begun just as I expected they would. A short knock suddenly came at the door, the person entering without waiting on my permission.

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