Day of the Death Eaters Part 4 (NM X Female Reader)

505 20 11

Lactation kink
Panic attack

It was another week before anything happened, my lessons now over and simply waiting for the right moment to initiate me into their group.

Greyback hadn't caused Narcissa or I any problems after the last little incident, obviously frightened by my threat to cut his dick off. He would snarl at me in the hallway and often glared fiercely from dark corners when we were forced to be in the same room but I just gave him a knowing smirk to piss him off even more.

As for Narcissa and I, we were more or less openly together. We had not stated our relationship with each other but it was obvious to everyone we were using each other during this stressful time, including Lucius. Not that he cared, he had his own playthings within the Death Eaters including his wife's own sister.

Tomorrow morning I was to take the mark and officially become one of them, selling my soul to the Devil himself to keep Dumbledore's plan in action. I was expected to die for the man that I cared nothing for, all to save a world I hadn't asked to be a part of.

I was currently curled up inbetween my lover's legs on her bed, my mind whirring with existential dread. I was completely zoned out, thinking of all the unspeakable acts I would be tasked with and the 24/7 threat of death once I had the symbol carved into my skin, placing a target on my back.

"Love I promise we will get through this. You will get through this. You are so much stronger than you believe and I will be there to help you every step of the way. I'm stuck in this just as much as you are." She kissed the top of my head, squeezing me tightly as I nuzzled my face into her exposed chest.

"Do you wanna..?" She started, trailing off but motioning towards herself.

Over the week that we had been sexual partners we had both discovered a few new things about ourselves as well as each other. I had discovered how soothing the act of breastfeeding could be, also deemed a lactation kink. For me it could be sexual or simply comforting and right now I just needed to be close to the one person I could trust.

I nodded against Narcissa's chest, her fingers coming around to unbutton her top and slip out of her bra, leaving one breast exposed for me to latch onto.

I scooted myself down so that I could take her nipple into my mouth and hug her waist loosely as my body relaxed against hers. This was oddly soothing for the both of us, the older woman's hand coming up to play with my hair, gently scratching the scalp and detangling little knots as she came to them.

I sighed as I suckled, eyes closing as I focused on her fingers in my hair and her rhythmic heartbeat underneath my ear. Our torsos were pressed together and I could feel her lungs expanding, life force flowing through her making me feel safe and loved.

It was late and no one else should have been awake at this time and so I was comfortable enough to drift off to sleep, my actions slowing and finally stopping as I fell prey to slumber. My lips were still firmly attached to Narcissa's breast and I never saw the soft smile on her beautiful face as she listened to my slow, deep breaths to lull herself into the land of sleep.


I awoke quite abruptly, flinching and startling the woman underneath me awake as well. Screams could be heard filling the hallway that we both recognized to be Bellatrix. It sounded like she was in the middle of a particularly heated argument with Lucius about the events of last night.

I couldn't help but let out a soundless little laugh as I listened to their shouting match, knowing the man had to be livid about her waking the whole house up with her proclamations.

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