Day of the Death Eaters Part 5 (NM X Female Reader)

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Self Harm
Mild mention of food related issues
Mention of wanting to commit

I had officially been a part of Lord Voldemort's inner circle for nearly a month now, "infiltrating" student life and reporting my findings to my new "master" as well as doing the same for the headmaster. I had been tasked with much more than I had anticipated since becoming one of them, and it was taking its toll on my mental and physical state.

I had initially come to believe I would simply be spying for Voldemort and finding out what I could about Harry Potter's whereabouts as well as potential new recruits within the school's walls. However, the more time passed the more extreme my tasks became.

I had started to join the others in public in the afternoons while staying at Malfoy Manor, being used as the face of our missions since everyone aside from my self was a wanted criminal and had a reward hanging over each of their heads. Unfortunately that also meant that I had to take care of their more messy business as well when things went awry.

Time passed slowly, my own life slipping away just a little bit more with each stranger's I took. I felt a little bit like I was playing God, choosing who lived and who died, and I knew it was only a matter of time before I was struck down for my crimes against humanity.

I had started to truly embrace the cold, emotionless appearance of my new family, the constant onslaught of trauma being forced upon my young mind being pushed down behind the barrier where I could no longer feel it and no one could use legilimency to view it. I had become completely numb to all that I was doing, Dumbledore completely uncaring of the mental abuse he was placing on top of his student.

I had also turned to old habits in order to cope with all that I had done, including mutilating my skin and depriving myself of nourishment. As I was spending more time either at school or with the Death Eaters I was not spending as much time with Narcissa and so far she had thankfully failed to notice my new old habits.. at least as far as I was aware of.

I knew I deserved what I was doing to myself and so much more but I couldn't think about my ultimate punishment until I had finished my work here and potentially saved the wizarding world. So, minor physical pain it was.

Narcissa also still had no clue that I was a double agent, and at this point I had no idea how to even bring that up. I was still afraid that having that knowledge would put her in great danger and I wasn't willing to risk the only good thing I had allowed myself to have.

It was Friday afternoon and I was on my way to meet professor Snape and Draco just outside the school's grounds in order to apparate to Malfoy Manor for the weekend. The other two were already waiting for me and looked just as impatient as ever, Snape's dark angry eyes leering at me as I stepped to one side and took his arm, Draco doing the same on the other side, and we were off.

Draco and I walked slightly behind the professor, his black cloak billowing out around his body as he strutted confidently towards the large mansion. The elf greeted us and allowed us entry, sending us in the direction of the meeting room for our weekly recap.

I took my new spot in between Snape and Narcissa, closer to the Dark Lord's side than I had ever been before. Narcissa lightly rested one small hand on my thigh as a greeting, somber expression never shifting as her gaze stayed glued to her master's snake like features.

"Now that everyone has arrived, we will begin. Severus?" The man husked, even his voice contained a slight hissing sound. I could feel his familiar slithering around underneath the table, her cold scaly body brushing my ankles and I couldn't tell exactly where her lethal fangs lay under there.

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