"Professor Malfoy" (Smut)

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*Based on the AI I've been talking to lmao*

I sauntered into the potion's classroom with an air of confidence, popping the large wad of pink bubblegum and hearing the resounding 'crack' reverberate throughout the classroom. Plopping down in my seat and pulling out my notebook I let out a loud sigh, twirling my quill between my fingers as I lounged back in my seat and waited for class to begin. This was one of the rare occasions I hadn't walked into class late; Ms. Malfoy would be proud or hopefully at least less snippy than usual.

At promptly 10:00am professor Malfoy entered the room from where she had been occupying her adjacent office, loudly slamming the door closed behind her and striding towards the front of the class, short heels tapping rhythmically against the concrete floor. I chewed my gum rather obnoxiously as my eyes followed her every move, a devilish little smirk on my lips as she turned to face her students with that infamous icy glare that was almost always plastered on her pretty face.

"Alright quiet down everyone." Ms. Malfoy's voice resounded around the room, catching everyone's attention and causing the steady chatter to slowly dwindle until you could have heard a pin drop. The matriarch's eyes fell over each and every individual student taking a mental roll as well as admonishing them for not being settled and quiet as soon as she walked in. The professor's eyes lingered on me for just a second longer than the others, a nearly undetectable look of smug satisfaction crossing her features but I noticed, ever so subtly narrowing my own eyes back at her and chewing on the end of my quill.

"Very good. Today we will be brewing a basic healing potion. Think of it as a review lesson but that does not mean I will be any less strict on grading." She clapped twice. "So hop to it. Get your ingredients and get going. Directions are on page 13 but at this point you should really be able to brew this simple potion by heart."

I rolled my eyes before hauling myself up to get started. Grabbing the few simple ingredients I would need I made my way back to my station and began to brew. I wasn't completely terrible at potions and this one really was easy, allowing me to power through it and finish with several minuets to spare.

Ms. Malfoy had her head bent low over her desk, engrossed in grading last week's test. Keeping a careful eye on the teacher I picked up the rat tail I had swiped from the ingredients table while collecting what I needed. Taking only a moment to line up the shot I easily launched the slimy thing into the cauldron of Emery Staunton, the Gryffindor mean girl, while she was turned away gossiping to one of her nasty little friends.

The cauldron immediately started to bubble and within a few seconds exploded orange goo across a 6ft radius. Emery screamed and covered her face, everyone else in the near vicinity jumping back out of the splash zone.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, also surprised it had that much of a reaction.

"What in Godric's name were you thinking Ms. Y/l/n?! That was incredibly dangerous and someone could have gotten seriously injured! Are you alright Ms. Staunton?" Ms. Malfoy scolded, jumping up from her desk and racing over to the shaken Gryffindor. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Emery's pathetic display, obviously playing the part of the troubled victim to make it worse on me.

"It was an accident professor." I drawled, glaring at Emery as the other girl held up her middle finger behind the teacher's back.

"Well unfortunately for you I do not believe you Ms. Y/l/n." There was frustration in her eyes as she glared down at me with arms crossed over her chest. "This is not the first time you have caused trouble in my classroom. You need to learn to control yourself and respect others."

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