"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 3

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I woke abruptly from a restless sleep to the blaring of an alarm clock, a funny little spell bouncing around the dorm room for several seconds. A few groans sounded around me and pillows were slapped over unhappy faces as we were rudely awoken bright and early for morning classes.

Luna had warned me about this last night. It wasn't a daily thing, the teachers just wanted everyone in the Great Hall by 7am on the first day in order to dole out times tables for the year. Every other morning after it would be our own responsibility to get ready and be in class by 8am.

It was precisely 6am and the sun had just barely began peaking over the horizon and through the stained glass windows, the dorm room still rather dark as we all rolled out of bed. I had five dorm mates, all seventh year Ravenclaw girls, and it was quite clear that not a single one of them was a morning person.

Even Luna was rather quiet this early in the am, sleepily rubbing her light blue eyes and trying to de tangle the jumble of knots on her head with her fingers as she released a large yawn. I heard mumbling of 'too early' and 'bloody gits' as the other four grabbed shower bags and headed out the door to the communal showers at the end of the upperclassmen side of the tower.

Luna and I had been smart enough to shower last night when everyone else was too tired or too focused on gossiping with their friends and could avoid the morning crowds. I started off by working the tangles out of my own long dark hair, struggling through the back of my head until it was smooth and wavy again.

I worked on a bit of black eye makeup as I listened to Luna hum an old childhood song I just barely recognized, having a vague memory of my own mother singing it to me as a young child. I turned to see the other girl putting her incredibly long hair into a single, flowery braid that cascaded loosely down her back.

"What's that song?" I questioned, wanting to know why I recognized it.

"I don't know what it's called, but my mother used to sing it to me before she died." My eyebrows shot upwards, surprised.

"My mum is dead too. And she sang that song to me." The other girl finally turned to meet my gaze, an understanding smile on her kind face.

"So you can see them too then. The thestrals."

"Yeah I can. You saw.."

"Yeah I was with her in her final moments."

"So was I." I breathed out, a comfortable silence settling over us as we both returned to getting ready for the day, Luna continuing to hum the old lullaby as I imagined my mother sitting behind me at her makeup desk doing the exact same thing.

I had never met anyone that understood exactly what I had gone through, anyone that had experienced the same emotions of fear, sadness, and confusion. I wished I knew something more to say but the other girl didn't seem troubled in the slightest. Happy even as she wove flowers throughout her hair.

I finished up my makeup and went to my wardrobe, pulling out my school robes and pulling them on. I took a look in the mirror to see how the blue suited me, finding it quite nice actually and something a bit different from my normal wardrobe full of blacks, grays, and the occasional very dark green or purple.

The other girls returned about 6:30 to finish getting ready for the day, quiet chatter filling the room as they all dug out robes and uniforms that had been stuffed into bottoms of trunks for the last 3 months.

"Jackson has been writing me letters all summer. I just know he's going to ask me out soon." Hailey jabbered, smoothing her long blonde locks and applying mascara to big blue eyes. Every man's dream girl right there.

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