Vampire NM X Reader (Smut)

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I finished wiping down the old oak dining table, making sure the dark wood glistened even in the low light of the forlorn manor home. It was evening and the sun had just begun to settle low on the horizon, the last of the day's rays peeking above the tree line and filtering in through the floor length windows around the room giving it an eery orange glow.

Bloodied fingernails scratched absentmindedly at the aggravated flesh of my neck, thick metal collar having irritated the baby soft skin all day long. I had been enslaved by this damned thing for so long that I usually didn't remember it was even there but the harsh thing still tended to rub against the open wounds the days after my mistress had fed.

I had been enslaved by the mistress Black almost 6 months now, the vampiric lady having seduced me in the village and brought me back to her home just to use me as both a feeding source and slave. I hadn't known she was a vampire at first, my naivety now costing me my freedom.

Upon entering the Manor that fateful day mistress Black had tricked me and immediately bound me with that infuriating collar that kept me hostage within these walls lest I wish to die a most painful, electrifying death. I had tried in vain to pry the contraption off but had only managed to rip off a fingernail, the bloodied finger causing a shift in the lady's composure and ultimately revealing her true nature to me.

Now, I lived very much like a house elf did. During the day while the lady was away I cleaned the manor from top to bottom, sweeping, dusting, washing dishes, clearing out boggarts, anything the ancient mansion required. At night I was confined to either the foul smelling dungeons when I was unwanted or the mistress's personal chambers on the nights that I was.

I had initially found it odd she lived alone, such a pretty little thing all alone up here in this big old house atop the hill. However, it wasn't long before I learned of the real reason and had become all too aware of my own mortality and dispensable ness.

Mistress Black had been wed to a mortal man for many years. She had used him as a feeding source until one day she went too far, took too much, and quite literally drained the life out of him. It wasn't the first time this had happened either I soon found out, my weekly trip to the dungeons to clean often involving shuffling human remains around including but not limited to the slowly decomposing body of my mistress's late husband.

It wasn't completely terrible I had to admit, I was caged in a beautiful mansion, enslaved by an ethereal vampiric woman. In theory I knew I should despise it, she had after all kidnapped me and refused to let me go until I was nothing but another corpse on the growing mountain in her dungeons. Yet, it was still somehow better than my old life and I had found myself even enjoying the thrill of being the main character for once in my measly little life.

I had my routine, wake at sunrise, fix the mistress's breakfast (surprisingly not blood but runny eggs on toast with a cup of Earl grey for those curious) and her potion that allowed her to be out in the sun, she would leave around 9 to do whatever it was she did in the village that she refused to speak of, I tidied the house depending on the day of the week and what needed to be done, mistress Black would return at 6:30pm and I had dinner on the table at 7:00pm. After that it depended on her wants and needs. Twice weekly she needed to feed and always chose to do that in the evenings for convenience, those were the days I was wanted.

Feeding seemed to drive the mistress's lust, the life giving blood flowing through her system reenergizing her and making her crave more. I wasn't only a maid and a take out order, but a sex slave for her as well. She used me to satisfy all of her needs, both physical and emotional as she had often blubbered to me about just needing a warm companion on the nights she would forgo the blood and became intoxicated instead.

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