Random Snippets

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Alright so this is basically just a jumble of ideas that I don't know how to write entire stories for and just want to get them out of my head lmao.


I power walked as fast as my legs would carry me down the corridor, awkwardly slinging my bag back over my shoulder every time it fell in front of me as I tried to beat the clock without getting yelled at by a teacher for running in the hallways.

I had woken up late and missed breakfast, simply throwing on my school robes and grabbing my things for my first period transfiguration class this morning with the Gryffindor matriarch. Professor Mcgonagall did not tolerate tardiness and I had no desire to spend my night scrubbing crusty cauldrons with Snape tonight in detention.

I managed to slink into the classroom unnoticed, barely a minuet before the bell rang signaling I was late. I dropped my bag in my seat as I tried to calm my racing heart and my fingers fumbled with my tie that I had half hazardous thrown around my neck as I ran out the door of the Ravenclaw common room.

"Ms. Adrego, I was not aware that you were in my house." The transfiguration professor eyed me with an amused expression as my eyebrows furrowed and my fingers stilled in confusion. My eyes widened and I immediately looked down to see that I was currently sporting a red and gold tie on my neck rather than the blue and bronze one I was supposed to have.

'Shit'. I thought in my mind, my outward expression being that of panic as I looked around the room wildly for the person who must have my tie if I had theirs.

Mcgonagall chuckled good naturedly as I abruptly turned and speed walked over to Hermione Granger's desk, at this point having pretty much the entire classroom's attention as they looked to see what their teacher was on about. I snatched up my tie off of her desk and replaced it with the Gryffindor one before quickly walking back over to my seat and dropping into it, using my hair to cover my reddening cheeks.

"Sorry professor." I muttered under my breath, hardly glancing up as everyone sniggered, including my teacher. I glanced over to Hermione to see the other witch smirking as her fingers worked to secure her own tie in place and she looked quite proud to have everyone know who's room I had spent the evening in last night.

'Bloody Hell.'


I kept my back turned to the kitchen table as I spread a bit of butter on my warm toast, watching it melt instantly. I could feel the cold, predatory eyes of Fenrir Greyback glued to my backside as he sat at the otherwise empty table without saying a word, simply observing me much like a wolf watches it's potential prey.

It made me highly uncomfortable but I refused to let the man know he rattled me, continuing to do as I pleased as if he wasn't there. Greyback had become increasingly more interested in me the longer I stayed with the group of Death Eaters at Malfoy Manor, even backing me into a corner yesterday evening before being called away for a meeting with Lucius and Scabior regarding their next mission.

I could feel his eyes wandering lower to observe the soft swing of my ass as I shifted my weight back and forth nervously. I had become completely oblivious to everything except my now over buttered toast and listening for the familiar heavy footsteps approaching me.

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