Seven Potters Gone Wrong Part 2

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A week went by as Narcissa and I hid out at the burrow, The Order dutifully plotting how to retrieve my lover's only son without stirring up too much trouble. We wanted to get Draco out but it wasn't a wise move to draw attention to us just yet so we had to go about this carefully.

Narcissa had become rather friendly with her cousin and niece now that they had began to trust her good intentions and we were currently sat in the living area with Tonks and Molly, the older adults off taking care of some business in town while the others were mucking about somewhere upstairs.

"I always wanted to meet you, you know. Mum just said it wasn't possible. She talked about you a lot though. More than Bellatrix." Tonks sat with her legs curled up in an armchair to the left of us, Narcissa laying in my arms on the sofa.

"I wanted to meet you as well dear. After Andy was sent away neither Bella or I were allowed to make contact with her and even after I became an adult I suppose that fear was still ingrained in me." I knew my companion missed her middle sister. Anytime Andromeda was mentioned for some reason or another the older witch's tone changed to one of pain as old memories flooded through her mind.

"Mum said the same thing. She didn't want to get either of you in trouble for writing her. She always gets this dreamy look on her face when she tells me about your childhood. One of her favorite stories is the time the three of you got into a little tussle in the rain and came back inside all muddy making Druella livid." Narcissa laughed, recalling the memory.

"Oh yes she was more angry than I had ever seen her when we all walked in with torn clothes and scratched faces. Although I believe she was more worried about us soiling the floor with the water and mud dripping off of us than our well-being."

"Mum never could remember what that fight was even about. She just remembers Druella turning bright red like a tomato."

"I started it because Bella stole my doll. She liked to tease me about being too old for toys and take my things to hide or break. That doll had been given to me by our father at a very young age and meant a lot to me so when she took it and held it over my head I started screaming, kicking, trying to grab it, whatever I had to do to get my doll back. It surprised Bella and she started fighting back. Andy tried to break us up but just ended up getting involved when I landed a punch meant for Bella into her stomach instead." Everyone laughed and Narcissa shook her head at the mildly embarrassing childhood memory.

"Did you get the doll back?"

"Yes I did. And Bella didn't take my stuff again after that. Mother did a number on all of us though. We all got the tongue lashing of our lives after that and scrubbed raw in the bath. Even Bella, who was 13 at the time, got bathed by mother to ensure she did it right and received the same painful scrubbing routine as Andy and me."

There was a moment of silence before anyone else spoke, the crackling of the fireplace and the dishes cleaning themselves in the kitchen the only sounds in the warm home.

"I could tell her you know. That you're here and that you've changed. I know she'd love to see you again." Tonks started hesitantly, fidgeting with a loose string on her hoodie.

Narcissa took a moment to answer, choosing her words carefully. "I really don't know if she would or not. It's been so long. I don't know if that's such a good idea."

"Well, I plan to write to her tonight. I could mention it and just see what she says. Asking certainly wouldn't hurt."

I could see the war raging in Narcissa's mind. She obviously wanted to see her middle sister again but it had been years since Andromeda had been removed from the family. Years since they had been in the same room together as siblings.

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