"Runa Corvina Snape"

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A/N: This is another finished short story that will be uploaded over the course of 8 days, one part per day. The story sorta, kinda, not really follows the original plot and hopefully I've explained everything in a way that y'all can keep up with it 😅. There is a love interest but it isn't a prominent part of the story aside from the first chapter. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy and if there is any confusion about the plot feel free to ask as I am well aware I don't always explain things the best lols.


Runa Corvina Snape, Runa meaning "secret knowledge", Corvina meaning "like a raven", and Snape meaning "disgrace", the young girl certainly had a destiny in store for her before she had even entered the world.

"Runa! We are going to be late if you do not get down here in the next five minuets!" I pursed my lips with a sigh as I finished twisting on the back of my second earring. Before heading off downstairs I took one last look in the mirror to check that my appearance was acceptable, wiping away any excess eye makeup, fluffing my ebony black hair, and smoothing down any wrinkles on my dress.

Father had actually helped me pick it out special for this occasion and I did hope he knew what he was doing. It was quite pretty, sparkly black with a high neckline that wrapped around my throat like a choker, and a cutout back. It was modest in the front but certainly too short for a ball gown, fluffy at the bottom but still only ending about mid thigh. Nothing too formal but this was supposed to be a fairly casual event being as it was only the end of summer ball.

Once I was satisfied with my appearance I tucked my wand into a small pocket on the inside of my dress and began the descent downstairs, careful not to trip in the small heels I wore. I found my father watching the seconds pass on that ancient pocket watch of his as he waited for me in front of the floo, his usual angry scowl resting upon his face.

However, as soon as I stepped into his eye line the man's expression softened, taking in my appearance as I stood there a bit awkwardly, pushing stray hairs behind my ear as a way to fidget nervously as I waited on him to tell me if I looked alright.

"You look beautiful in that dress Runa. You look so much like your mother these days." Father stated sadly, soft eyes passing over my identical dark brown ones as he searched for my mother in them. He had begun doing that more and more lately, refusing to forget her even after all these years.

"Thank you father. I just hope I am dressed appropriately for this. I haven't seen them in so long."

"You look perfect my dear. I know they will be overjoyed to see you again." The man offered me one of his rare smiles, reserved only for me, and offered me a hand to join him in the floo. 

Arriving at our destination the two of us stepped out of the fireplace together, my father speaking to the bouncer about our invitation to the event. I took that moment to look around the all too familiar room, childhood memories of playing, fighting, and everything in between immediately flooding my mind.

Malfoy manor had been my second home as a young child, my father often leaving me here with Draco and his mother when he needed to attend to business, usually with Draco's father. Draco and I had been best friends as children, always looking forward to each other's visits and sharing many pleasant memories of eating sweets in the garden and getting into trouble with Narcissa for doing something naughty.

However, once we were both of school age, I was sent off to France to attend Beaubatons academy while Draco had gone to Scotland to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It had been nearly seven years since I had seen the boy last, even when I had been back in England for holidays we had just never kept in contact.

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