"Horse Show" (NM X Reader)

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We rolled up to the show grounds at exactly 11am, giving me plenty of time to get ready and allow Atlas to settle in to his new surroundings before we entered the ring. Our test wasn't until 12:33pm, however, they were pretty much always running late and so I really didn't have to be down there until about 12:15 to warm up.

"Welp, we're here." I sighed, turning off the truck and relaxing back into the seat. My back and butt were sore from the 4 hour car ride, especially considering how tense I always was when pulling the trailer, fearful I would do something to give Atlas a bad ride.

"We are indeed." My girlfriend responded, peering around at the bustling grounds full of horses, riders, trainers, and spectators.

"Could you go and find the show office and sign us in while I get Atlas settled?" I asked her, knowing she would have done it without any encouragement from me. Narcissa had been my companion on these trips many times than I could count and we had found a routine that ensured the utmost efficiency.

"Yep. Already on it."

As Narcissa wandered off to find the check in line, I sluggishly pulled myself from the cab of the truck, trying to stretch out my muscles as I made my way over to the trailer. Since I was only bringing Atlas to this one I had opted for just the two horse, making travel just a little bit easier even if I didn't have the luxury of a tack room on the smaller trailer.

I opened the back windows and let down the ramp, the big black gelding whinnying at me as he tried to look behind him and see where we were. Atlas was a show horse, meaning he was very accustomed to this lifestyle and adjusted easily enough to the constant coming and going. However, he could still be a bit anxious when we first arrived on show grounds, especially after the longer commutes, and often looked to me for comfort and familiarity.

"Hey buddy." I greeted the big thoroughbred. "We're here. Let's get you out of this tin can yeah?"

I released the butt bar and moved to the animal's head to untie him, letting him gingerly back his way down the ramp. As soon as all four feet were on solid ground again the big black gelding was looking around with interest, snorting with anxiety and bumping me with his nose.

"Oh you're fine. We've done this a million times." I patted Atlas's neck and led him over to the side of trailer, tying him up for just a few minuets while I got the rest of our gear. I pulled a water bucket from the back of the truck and his hay net from the trailer, tying the net where he could snack on it from where he stood and looking around to see where the water source was.

"Alright. You're all ready to go." Narcissa had returned. "They're running about 10 minuets behind right now, surprise surprise, and your number is 111. Here." She handed me the tag with our show number on it and I clipped it to my pocket, hoping it didn't fall off.

"Awesome, thanks. Did you see a hose or wash stall or something down there that I can fill his bucket up with?"

"Yeah give it here. I'll be right back."

While Narcissa went off to fill the bucket up I untied Atlas again and took him on a little walk down to the ring to look around. The big thoroughbred must have finally realized what was going on because he took one look at all the shiny horses trotting around the warm up arena or grazing in front of it and dropped his head to sample the grass alongside them.

"Atta boy." I muttered, clipping our number to his halter in case any of the faculty came by and turned my attention to the other riders having their turn in the ring.

We were just doing a fairly low level dressage test today, something to get us into this year's show season as we hadn't been off property in a couple of months. However, it was still recognized by the USDF and would be a good start to the year if we placed well.

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