Narcissa Malfoy x Female Reader (smut)

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I glanced at the clock to see 1:30am in large, red lettering and I sighed. I had been rolling around in bed unable to sleep for the past 3 1/2 hours and couldn't take it any longer.

I removed myself from my warm blankets and my feet hit the icy cold wood of the floorboards. All I was wearing was a spaghetti strap tank top and loose sleep shorts as my bare feet padded towards the door, fingers running through the tangles in my hair.

I felt my way through the dark until I came to the kitchen, switching on the lights with a flick of my wrist without a second thought. My best friend Draco Malfoy had graciously allowed me to stay with him over Spring break as I had no where else to go.

My parents were back home in America and it wasn't practical for them go go back and forth from the US to the UK twice in one week. Even being wizards and able to apparate, that big of a leap was a strain on the body. Especially the undeveloped body of a 18 year old witch barely able to turn on lights without a fancy stick.

Draco's parents had graciously welcomed me into their home, although they did think the two of us were lovers. We had explained numerous times in the last three days that we were simply friends, however, they still seemed unconvinced.

Nevertheless, here I was making a hot chocolate in their kitchen at nearly 2 in the morning. I naturally assumed I was alone at this ungodly hour of the morning and paid no attention to my surroundings.

I began quietly singing to myself, enjoying the sound in the otherwise silent manor. My voice reverberated off the walls even though I barely sung above a whisper, and I lost myself in the moment.

I'm not shy, I'll say it
I've been picturing you naked
I'm a little faded
You look like a fucking painting
Big doe eyes, amazing
She's everything I've been praying
My heart palpitation
She looks like the type to break it

Me and your girlfriend playing dress up at my house
I gave your girlfriend cunnilingus on my couch
She cute, kawaii, hentai boobies that excites me
I think she likes me, asked politely, can I (woo-ho0)
(Ooh, woo-ooh, woo-ooh) slumber party
(Ooh, woo-ooh, woo-ooh) slumber party
(Ooh, woo-ooh, woo-ooh) slumber party
(Ooh, woo-ooh, woo-ooh) slumber party

"So that's why you aren't dating my son hm?"

The sudden voice startled me out of my thoughts and I spun around, the swinging of my scarcely covered ass as I got into the song a sudden embarrassment as I knew just how little skin these shorts covered and exactly who's voice that belonged to.

"M-Mrs. Malfoy. I- uh, what are you doing up this late?" I swallowed nervously, afraid of how she would react but she just sat quietly at the kitchen table, eyeing me with a strange look on her face.

"Couldn't sleep, as I assume you couldn't either. I was a bit surprised to find you in here singing about liking a girl." She smirked and I could feel my body shaking, afraid she would kick me out of her home now that she knew the truth about my sexuality.

"I- I apologize. I thought I was alone." I looked down at the ground and scratched my head, avoiding eye contact with the older woman.

"It's alright sweetheart. You love who you love, and you don't get a choice in who that love happens to be for." I was surprised by that, pure bloods were never supportive of such an opened minded idea such as homosexuality. What was she playing at?

I nodded and smiled awkwardly, turning back around to finish working on my drink. I could feel eyes on my turned back and tensed up, incredibly uncomfortable knowing she could do anything she wanted to me right now. We were alone, and I was confused about whether or not her previous statement had been genuine or a way to manipulate me in some way.

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