NM X Female Reader "My Princess" Part 2

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"I cannot believe you Narcissa. Disgracing the Kingdom of Black like that. I will not stand for this!"

I flinched as the King angrily let his fist fall onto the desk in front of us, causing the papers and trinkets to jump with the force of the hit. He was absolutely furious, face turning red as his eyes blazed, and I had the good sense to stay silent as I sat beside the princess on the large ottoman.

After the ball had ended we had all been ushered into an office space in the main part of the palace, finally out of the eye of the public. I knew just by the King's body language that we were in for a long night of arguing.

Flashback to the end of the ball:

"Well, there you have it. The new princess of the Black Kingdom. Y/n y/l/n." The king was obviously mortified and would surely have much to say to us in private later. But for right now I reached over and intertwined my fingers with Narcissa's, offering her a small smile of reassurance and she did the same.

For right now, I had my princess.

The minstrels hesitantly started up the next song, afraid of angering the King further but knowing it was their job to start up the music again. The crowd parted down the middle as the two older princesses took the hands of their husband's and followed them out onto the dance floor.

Narcissa and I followed, side by side, until we were in the dead center of the ballroom surrounded by curious eyes. As all 6 of us began dancing the crowd joined in, albeit hesitantly, unsure by this turn of events.

As for myself I had decided to just embrace my current circumstances and enjoy the time I had with the beautiful young woman. Our bodies moved as one, our souls merging together as we flowed across the dance floor as gracefully as if we had been partners for an eternity.

All I could see out of my peripheral vision was a blur of color and movement, my gaze fixed to Narcissa's eyes and occasionally flitting down to her full, red lips as I became increasingly more nervous around her. I was falling fast for this enchanting girl but I knew I shouldn't get too attached, surely her father would end this the second the ball had ended.

A few more songs were played, and a few more dances were shared before the night came to an end around 4 in the morning. Everyone had become tired and intoxicated, slowly filing out of the palace with their respective partners to continue their fun in their own homes.

As soon as the ballroom doors had closed once more the King and Queen ushered their family and me through a door in the side of the room leading into the main hallway. The King silently led our little group through the castle until we found ourselves in a secluded office space, ready to take on the man's anger.

End Flashback

"Narcissa I do not know what game you are playing at but you have put us all in quite the predicament. Those prince's are going to return to their own kingdoms and tell their father's what has happened. They will try and take over this Kingdom in rebellion and we will be shunned for such blasphemous activity. I hope you're happy with this commoner Narcissa because as I see it, you are no longer my daughter."

I heard Narcissa's sharp inhale as her father's words sunk in, tears appearing in her big brown eyes.

"Father.." she started, trying to think of some way to reconcile with the man.

"No. You had your chance Narcissa. You failed. You will leave this Kingdom tonight. With her." My gaze darted back and forth between the King and the princess. I was getting kicked out of my home as well?

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