Narcissa Malfoy X Reader A Modern Lovestory

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The day started off like any other, however, I had no idea just how abnormal this day would end up becoming.

I made my way down the busy streets of Manhattan, struggling through the endless crowds of people lining the sidewalk.

I finally made it to my destination, Starbucks, for my morning coffee and my favorite place to get a bit of work done. Home was just too quiet and lonely nowadays.

I ordered my usual and found a spot in the back of the cafe near a window to set up my laptop. After graduating from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when I was 17, I moved back to the states to take over my family's business. Y/L/N Modeling agency, one of the biggest and most well known agencies in the world.

My parents had finally retired and left the heavy lifting to me, although it really wasn't that much work compared to most jobs. All I really had to do was sign paychecks and tell people what I wanted done, all of which I could do from home if I so desired. I only really spent time in the office once or twice a week to make sure things were running smoothly, the rest of my time spent doing whatever I pleased.

My passion was riding horses. I had ridden since I could toddle around the stable and was on Canterbury's equestrian team since I had moved back home. I owned a Thoroughbred named "City of Atlantis", a.k.a Atlas, who lived better than most people.

I was quite well off thanks to my parents hard work with the business and I very much planned to keep that up. So here I was, sitting in the back corner of Starbucks, reviewing next week's runway show and signing off on various things before returning to my usual boring routine.

Around noon I finally glanced up from my laptop, rubbing my tired eyes and doing a double take when a familiar looking woman walked through the door.

I immediately recognized her as my best friend in school, Narcissa Black. Although last I heard she now went by Narcissa Malfoy.

I watched in shock as she waited on her order, not having noticed my presence yet. We had lost contact shortly after graduation, about five years ago now.

She looked so much different, but somehow exactly the same as well. Her hair was shorter and it seemed she had decided to let her brown roots grow out, only dying the underside of her hair blonde rather than all of it now. She looked much more mature and just.. tired.

I stared, mouth slightly agape as she picked up her coffee, completely oblivious to me creeping in the corner.

I watched as she turned around to go back out the door and debated whether or not to say something. However, I didn't have to. Just before she could step back outside into the crowd of New Yorkers she spotted me and did a double take, gasping softly as she stared at me just as intensely as I had been staring at her.

She quickly scooted out of the way of the people trying to get out of the cafe, slowly walking towards my table as I internally panicked. I had no idea what to say to her even though she had been my best friend since I transferred to Hogwarts in 3d year.

"Hey.. Narcissa." I looked up at her as she silently asked if it was alright to sit. I waved my hand towards the chair in front of me to show her I didn't mind and she sat down, fiddling with her coffee cup.

"Hey y/n. It's been a little while." I closed my laptop and stuck it in my bag, knowing I would no longer be able to get anything done today.

"Yeah.. how have you been? We haven't really talked much after school ended. How did you end up in NYC of all places?"

"No we haven't. My life hasn't gone the best since finishing up at Hogwarts. You know I married Lucius Malfoy, giving my family what they wanted and marrying a pureblood man."

I nodded and sat back in my chair to get comfortable. Something told me this was going to be a lot.

"Well we weren't married a year before I found out I would never be able to conceive a child. I was useless to him."

She didn't say it but I could tell exactly what that last sentence meant. The man cared about status and reputation and nothing more, that I always knew.

"Lucius was soon arrested and sentenced to 10 years in Azkaban due to old charges they found against him regarding his Death Eater duties. I got fed up with playing the role I was forced into and divorced him. I wanted a change after all of that was said and done and decided to visit America for a few weeks to just get out of the UK."

I was honestly quite happy for her, she had never wanted that life but was always too afraid to go against her parent's wishes.

"Well, it may not be under the best circumstances but I'm happy you're here Cissy. You always wanted to visit New York and I'm glad you could get out of that situation. If you need a tour guide while you're here, hit me up."

"I just might take you up on that. I just kind of dropped everything and left so I really have no clue what I'm doing." She chuckled and finally started to relax.

"So how are you y/n? Hopefully your life is going a bit better than mine."

I chuckled slightly. "Well, I've taken over my parents business and spend most of my time at the stables. So honestly not much has changed." I joked. Even at school I was always trying to find an excuse to go riding or just hang out in the stables.

I had gotten lucky. Hogwarts had an equestrian team that I had been a part of all four years I attended there and it had kept my skills sharp. Atlas had been with me since I was 13 as well, being a parting gift from my parents when they sent me off to another country in order to finish my schooling.

We spent another hour catching up on each other's lives before parting ways. I had learned that Narcissa was staying in a hotel for the time being and invited her over for dinner that night to catch up a bit more and offer her a homemade meal, which she gladly accepted.

/ / / /

5pm on the dot I heard the elevator doors open, which would allow anyone directly into my penthouse. I had informed the people at the front desk that I was expecting a guest, and sure enough it was Narcissa who entered my home.

"Wow". I chuckled as she made her way over to the counter to sit down while I finished up cooking. "Quite the fancy place you have here y/n."

"It's pretty but it's lonely." I sighed as I turned back to the stove, not trying to get into my loneliness right now.

"I gather you aren't dating anyone right now then."

"Nope. I've been too focused on the business and just haven't had any interest in people here."

I had always had a small crush on my childhood best friend, but as far as I knew she had never suspected a thing. I always knew nothing could come of it due to her family's wishes.

"Well, the single life isn't so bad. No one else you have to worry about."

I nodded and placed two plates on the counter, taking a seat across from her and beginning to eat.

We ate and talked about our lives at school, and why we just randomly lost touch one day. She caught me up on what was happening with her sisters and rest of her family, while I told her what we were working on at work and my latest horse show.

"Well, we're back together now. That's what matters." She placed a hand over mine and gave me a small, warm smile that gave me butterflies I hadn't felt since graduation.

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