Ninety-seven (JJ)

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"JJ!" I hear Xavier yell before he storms into my room.

"What's up, V? Why are you so pissed off?" I ask as I turn off my phone and set it on my nightstand.

"I thought you said you killed him?!"

"Killed who?"

"Tyler! You know, Kailey's brother!"

"I never said I killed him. I killed Alex. But not Tyler. I just beat the shit out of him and left him on the ground next to his dead father," I answer, confused as to why he's asking me this.

"Well, you should've killed him!" He yells.

"V, why the hell are you so pissed off? And why are you talking about Tyler?"

"Because he snuck in and took Kailey!" He says as he tries to punch me in the face, but I dodge it.

"What do you mean he snuck in and took her? How did he even find out where we are?"

"How am I supposed to know that? All I know is what Charlie told me. He dressed up as a guard, and fifteen minutes later, he took off with Kailey."

"Shit," I say under my breath. "Does she know where he went? Where he's taking Kailey?"

"No, she doesn't know anything. She's trying to find out everything she can, but since we're in the middle of nowhere, it'll be hard to do that because of how old and shitty the street security cameras are."

"Alright," I stand up and sigh, as I grab my keys and phone, and walk out of my room, heading towards the garage, Xavier following closely behind.

"Where are you going? Are you seriously going to leave right now?"

"You'll find out soon," is all I say before starting my motorcycle and taking off.

After 45 minutes of riding, I pull into a gas station and call Charlie.

"JJ, where the hell are you?! Xavier said you just took off!" Charlie yells as soon as she answers.

"Hello to you too, Charlie," I say as I roll my eyes.

"Answer the question, J," she says in a threatening tone.

"I need you to send me an address. I know you have something, Charlie. It's been almost an hour," I say while still avoiding the question.

"JJ, no. Tyler will get what's coming to him. Please just come back."

"Charlie, give me an address please."


"Charlie, please," I'm practically begging her. "Please just tell me where he is."

"Fine," she sighs. "Give me just a second and I'll give you his location."

"Thanks, Char."

"Don't do anything stupid, J."

"Charlie, I won't end up like them. I promise. I've done multiple missions since then, and I still come back to you, right?"

"JJ, you don't know that. You know how careful they were, but it still happened. Please, JJ," I can hear the crack in her voice as she mentions our sisters.

The thing about Charlie and I is that we're actually supposed to be quadruplets. She's supposed to be the oldest, and me the youngest, with our other sisters in between.

Three years ago, Oliver sent the four of us: me, Charlie, Autumn, and Everleigh to go on a mission. We were meant to spy on Alex.

We were really careful about everything, and we decided to spilt up. Charlie and I went to one end of the house, while Autumn and Everleigh went to the other.

We were there for two days and had collected all the information needed to go back home. Charlie and I were heading to the meeting point when we heard one of the girls scream.

We ran to where they were hiding out, and when we got to the hallway, I had to yank Charlie behind the wall and cover her mouth. He had killed Everleigh and was about to shoot Autumn when we rounded the corner.

Charlie kept trying to get out of my hold, but I wouldn't let her go. It was already too late to save Autumn. He had beat her and kicked the shit out of her, along with stabbing her a few times. I didn't want Charlie to see as he killed our sister.

The moment the gun went off, Charlie screamed, and even though it was muffled by my hand, Alex still heard it. I could hear his footsteps getting closer, so I picked Charlie up and started running.

Once we got outside the gates of his property and back to the car, I put her down, and she fell to her knees, sobbing. I sat next to her and hugged her for almost an hour, before I decided we needed to go before Alex found us.

That was the last time I ever saw my big sisters. And to this day, I feel like it's my fault that they're gone. I keep thinking that it's my fault they got caught, and it's my fault they're dead. I know it's not, but the memory still haunts me.

Ever since then, Charlie decided not to go on missions, but instead be the hacker and tech person since she's good with computers.

And every time I go on a mission, she always tells me to be extra careful, and if I ever get caught, to do my best to get out alive.

"I promise, I'll be extra careful, Char. I will do everything I can to return home to you."

"I love you, JJ. Just know that," I can tell she's crying now.

"I love you too, Char." And I'm now officially on the road to find Tyler and hopefully Kailey.

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