Chapter Twenty-six

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"Steve, where's your sedatives at?" Is the first thing I hear when I wake up. I didn't even realize I fell asleep.

"W-hat? Sedative? No! No, you're not going to sedate me! I won't let you! Not again!" J turn so my back is to Tony, and j start trying to open the car door, but with no luck.

"Hurry up, Steve!"

"No! Let go of me!" Tony is now grabbing me and keeping me away from the door. I keep trying to punch him, but he has now grabbed both of my wrists in one of his large hands.

Steve has finally found the sedative and id handing it to Tony, but I kick it out of his hands since my feet are still free. This I can tell is real mad because now he's pinning me down and yelling at Steve to hurry up.

Once Steve finally had the sedative, he gets off of his seat and comes to the side of the car where Tony is pinning me down. He uncaps the needle and tries to grab an arm.

"No! No, please! No, stop! Let go of me!" I'm crying as I'm yelling at them while trying but failing to stop Steve from sedating me.

"N-o. No..." is the last word I get out before I'm met with darkness again.

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