Chapter Forty-five

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"Quintin?" I say back, too surprised to say anything else.

"Kailey, I- oh my god. It's so good to see you!"

I stand up as he runs over to hug me, and I hug him back.

"How are you doing? How are you h-. Wait, did you just call him 'dad'?" I break the hug to look at him and he's doing everything he can to not look at me. I look to the side and Ace has a small grin on his face that he's trying but failing to hide.

"Quintin... what's going on?" I ask as I look back at him.

"Well, Kailey, I uhh..." he stops there and looks at Ace.

"Quintin?" I ask again but with a scared voice.

"Kailey, listen, you're not ready for what I need to tell you. I promise I'll tell you, but not today. You're just not ready," he looks at me while he says this.

"What do you mean I'm not ready? Quintin, what is going on?" I'm almost yelling at him.

"Kailey, please. I promise I'll tell you everything, but please, just calm down a bit. I'll tell you everything you need to know tomorrow."

"No, Quintin. Tell me now. I have been kidnapped again for the fourth time since you've been gone, and now I see you again after five years only to find you here, with the most powerful mafia boss ever, and now you're saying I'm 'not ready'? Just tell me Quintin! Please."

"Ok, fine. But you're not going to like it," he says with a serious expression on his face.

"Try me," I say, not backing down from this challenge.

"Alex isn't our dad, Kailey," he says, staring at me straight in the eyes.

"He WHAT?"

"He isn't our dad."

"Wait, so none of us are Alex's kids? We're all stepchildren?"

"No, Kailey. He isn't our dad," he says as he points to me and him.

"Wait, but how?"

"Mom had an affair when she was still with Alex. She got pregnant and continued seeing that guy until our third birthday when Alex found out."

"So, if Alex isn't our dad, then who is?" I ask afraid of the answer.

He glances over to Ace and then back to me.

"No. You're not really saying..."

"Yes. Ace is our father, Kailey," Quintin finishes my sentence for me.

All I can do now is stare at Quintin and Ace.

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