Chapter Fifty-two

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He stands up and goes over to the door, ready to walk out of the room when I say, "I've made up my mind."

He turns around and looks at me before walking back over to the bed and sitting down. "Kailey, you don't have to make your decision now. I told you that you had-"

"I have until Friday, I know," I say cutting him off. "But I've been thinking about it, and decided I'll do it. For real this time."

"What changed your mind?"

"Well, two things. The first thing is Quintin. I want to be able to stay with him. It was torture not knowing where he was or what happened to him for five years, and now that I finally found him again, I don't want to lose him."

"And the second thing?"

"I finally realized that this might really be the only way I can be free from Alex. I know you guys already told me that, but I didn't think it was true. But after thinking about it, I realized you might be right. I couldn't think of any other way that I would be free from him forever. I couldn't think of anything else that could protect me from Alex, and make sure I don't get kidnapped again."

I sigh before continuing, "So, I've made my decision. I'll do it. I'll take the role of being the leader. I'll do it, Ace, and this time, I'm not lying."

"I am so happy to hear that, Kailey. Come here," he says while leaning in for a hug.

I hug him back while trying hard not to cry.

"We can start training next week if you want. Or we can wait. We don't have to do anything until you're ready for it," he says while breaking the hug and looking me in the eyes.

"No, that's fine. We can totally start training next week."

"Perfect! Now, you finish eating your food and I'll come back in about an hour, ok?" He says while standing up and kissing me on the head before walking over to the door.

"Ok," I say, and then he walks out the door and shuts it behind him.

The day her heart shattered Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu