Chapter fifty-four (Luna)

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When I wake up, I'm in the hospital with an IV connected to my arm.

My mom walks into the room seconds later and sees that I'm awake. "Oh, Luna! You're finally up! How are you feeling?" She comes over and sits on the chair next to the bed while grabbing my hand.

"I feel fine, other than my head hurting like hell," I say with a groan. "What even happened? Why am I in the hospital?"

"Luna, what's the last thing you remember?"

"Umm, I went downstairs after you called for me and we were watching the news, and then they said something about Kailey."

"Do you remember anything after that?" She asks.

"No. Just that."

"Ok, we'll you're in the hospital because after hearing the stuff about Kailey, you went into shock and fell down. When you fell, you hit your head on the corner of the table and cut your head open, causing you to black out. I brought you here, and you had to get 5 stitches from the cut," she tells me.

"Oh," I say, not really sure what else I should say. "Have they found anything else out? Like where she is or who has her now?" I ask, hoping for some good news.

"I'm afraid not. I'm sorry, Honey," she says while wiping tears off my face.

"I hope they find her soon. I really miss her, mom."

"I know you do, Honey. I miss her too," she says while pulling me in for a hug.

"Now, why don't you go back to sleep. You need the rest," she says as she lets go of me.

"Ok, mom," and with that, I fall into a deep sleep.

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