Chapter sixty-four (Ace)

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I'm an hour away from home when I suddenly get a text message. I look at who it's from, but it's an unknown number. I pull into the gas station parking lot and open the message, only to see that it's from him.

I can hear Kailey's voice the second the camera turns on, begging him not to kill her.

"Hello, Ace. By now I'm sure you've realized you're missing something. But don't worry, I'm keeping her safe for now. Give me what I want, and Pretty Girl here will be perfectly safe and alive. Don't give me what I want, and let's just say you won't like what will happen," he says before he steps away from the camera and shoots Kailey.

I hear her let out a series of curses before he steps back in front of the camera and says, "Take this as a warning, Ace. The longer you take to give me what I want, the longer she'll be tortured, and the less percent chance you have to have her back in your arms alive. Think wisely, Ace," and then cuts the camera.

"Fuck!" I yell out as I pound on the steering wheel and throw my phone in the passenger seat.

I pick my phone back up and call Quintin.

"Dad? Hello?"

"Listen, I know who has Kailey and I know where she's at. I'm an hour away from the house so I'm going to come pick you up and then have two other vans with guards following behind. Then we're going to raid the place and I'm going to kill that bitch," I say and then hang up.

An hour later when I get to the house, Quintin is already standing by the front door and ready to go. He said the guards are already in the vans and ready to go whenever we are.

Fifteen minutes later we are on the road to go rescue Kailey.

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