Chapter Sixty-nine (Kailey)

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When I wake up, I'm in a room just like the one I was in before I was out in the van. The only difference is the color of the walls. The walls in the other room were grey, while the ones in here are white.

I get off the bed and go to the door and try to open it even though I know it'll be locked. After getting out of my room the first time, he wouldn't just leave the door unlocked anymore.

After failing to open the door, I go back over to the bed and sit on it, thinking about if I'll ever get to go home again.

I just want to see my grandma again. She's the only one I have left. Luna hates me -rightfully so- and I doubt Jamie will want to see me over there again.

As I'm thinking about home, I hear the door unlock and Xavier walks in. He closes the door behind him and just stands there. He doesn't move, he just stares at me before finally asking, "So, you didn't know Ace was your father, right?"

I don't know why he's asking me this because I already told him in the van, but I answer him anyway, "Right."

"So how did you find out?"

"He kidnapped me, and then Quintin was there, and they explained everything to me."

"He kidnapped you?"

"He kidnapped me from someone who kidnapped me, from someone who kidnapped me."

"That makes absolutely no sense," he says while shaking his head in confusion.

I sigh before deciding to tell him the story.

"A week after my mom and sister died, the monster that I used to call 'dad' sent one of his men to kidnap me when I was at my lowest point. I was at his house for almost two weeks before more of the monsters men came to take me to him. I was there for four days before getting kidnapped by a gang looking to get revenge on him, and I was there for two days before Ace found me and kidnapped me."

"And how is Ace your father? You said you always thought this monster was your father?"

"Apparently my mother had an affair with Ace and got pregnant with Quintin and I. I guess we used to go over there all the time as babies until our third birthday and the monster found out."

"Why didn't your mother just leave when she found out she was pregnant?"

"The monster wouldn't let her. He thought we were his kids, and he wasn't going to have her leave with his children. And then she got pregnant two years later with the other twins, and he definitely wouldn't let her leave after that."

"Eventually, he became so much of a monster that my mom took him to court and got full custody of all of us. She was trying so hard, and it's because she had gotten pregnant again. She didn't want another child to grow up with a monster for a father, so we left when she was three months pregnant, without him knowing she was."

"Hmm. Interesting," is all he says before the room goes silent again.

I decide to break the silence because I need to know, "How did you already know my name? And how did you know about Quintin? I never told you my name or his. Also, how did you know where I was? I don't even know where I was."

"Your brother told me," he casually says.

"He what?"

"Your brother told me. He's been working for me for the past five years."

"No. No, he couldn't have. He was with Ace the whole time!"

"Oh, sweet naïve Kailey," he says with a chuckle while walking towards me. When he gets in front of me, he grabs my chin.

"Your brother's a spy. Five years ago, when he disappeared, he didn't leave in his own. My men took him and brought him to me. I told him everything I was going to do, and I told him he was going to help me. If he did, he'd get five million dollars, and if he didn't, I would kill you. So, of course, he chose the first option."

"Every day for the last five years, he's been calling me and giving me updates on everything. And then you finally came along, and I told Quintin to distract Ace, make sure you were alone, and then we were going to strike and take you," he finishes with a smirk on his face.

"No. You're lying! He wouldn't do that to anybody. He wouldn't do that to me!" I can't believe what I'm hearing.

I don't want to believe him, but I can't help but question everything now.

Is he telling me the truth? Is Quintin really a spy?

No! Stop thinking like that, Kay. Quintin would never betray you or his family like that.

"You know I'm telling the truth. I can see it on your face. Would you like me to prove it to you anyway? Wait, don't answer that. I'm going to prove it to you whether you like it or not."

He pulls his phone out and starts dialing someone's number.

When it starts ringing, he puts it on speaker so I can hear it. When the phone is answered, my whole world shatters when I hear his voice.

"Hello? Xavier?" He really is a spy.

"How's everything going right now? Did Ace raid the house? Did he believe your acting when you told him Kailey was gone?"

I put a hand over my mouth, trying not to make a sound while I cry.

"Yes. Everything's going to plan. He's going back home to try and figure out how to find you and where you are. By the way, are you in London yet?"

London? We're in London?!? Oh my god. I'm never getting out of here.

"We got here about two hours ago."

"How's Kailey doing?"

I snatch the phone from Xavier. "How could you, Quintin?! How could you do this? Why? Why the hell did you do this?"

I am beyond pissed right now. How could he betray his own family? How could he betray me?

"Shit. Kailey, I can expl-"

"No. Save it, Quintin. Save it for someone who cares! I hate you! How could you do this? I hate you, Quintin! Do you hear me? I. Hate. You." I end the call and fall to the floor sobbing.

I never thought Quintin could do this. I never thought he would ever be the villain in the story. He is not the Quintin he was five years ago. I don't know this Quintin.

"Aww. The truth hurts, doesn't it? Well that's too bad. Now, I'm going to leave you to your thoughts and let you continue crying while thinking about how Quintin betrayed you."

And with that, he walks out the door while locking it behind him, leaving me to continue sobbing on the floor.

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