Chapter Eighty-one (Kailey)

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*back to present time*

"K-k-Kailey?" I hear the voice and see the face of the one person I thought I would never see again.

"Carson?!" I yell out as I run over to him.

Here he is, right in front of me, tied to a chair with cuts, bruises, and blood all over his body.

"What the hell? How are you here? What is going on?" I ask question after question, but he looks just as confused as I am.

"I could ask you the same thing," he says with a scratchy voice. "Why are you here and why are you with him?" He asks while nodding his head towards Xavier, who is leaning against the wall.

"He kidnapped me. I've been here for probably two-ish weeks now. Trust me, I don't want to be here but he's holding me hostage. I have no memory of this, but apparently, I tried to escape last week, and I got shot in the leg and stomach," I whisper so Xavier won't hear, but Carson clearly has other plans.

"WHAT?" He yells out, causing me to take a step back. "How dare you fucking touch her! How dare you allow them to point guns at her! How dare you even hurt her! She doesn't deserve that!"

Before I can get a word out, Xavier is now standing right beside me, and talking. "Well, for starters, I didn't allow them to shoot her, nor did I allow them to hurt her. She tried to escape, I told them to catch her, and one of my guards disobeyed."

"Neither of you have any room to talk! Xavier, you've pointed a gun at me yourself, multiple times might I add! And you've shot me before!" I pull down the sleeve of my shirt, so the scar from where he shot me is visible.

"And you," I say while pointing at Carson. "You have absolutely no room to talk about not hurting me, and me not deserving to get hurt. Because guess what? You hurt me three fucking years ago when you left me! You left me there in pain. You left me to grieve on my own. I tried to convince you to stay, but you wouldn't. You ran away!"

"With the way you were acting, it seems almost as if you were the one who had lost two babies in their stomach. You left me when I needed you the most! Losing the babies was the worst pain I have ever felt, but then you just had to add to that pain by leaving!" I can't help the tears that are running down my face.

"Kailey-" Carson tried to speak but I cut him off.

"No. Don't say anything, Carson! Nothing you say or do, can fix the pain and heartbreak you caused me. I don't want to hear your damn excuses!"

I slap him across the face, and then I make my way out of the room, Xavier trailing closely behind while chuckling.

I turn around to face him. "What the hell is so funny?" I yell at him.

"Nothing. I'm just laughing at the fact that you called him out and slapped him," he says with a huge smile on his face.

"Whatever," I say while rolling my eyes. "I still have a lot of questions for you, and you will answer them."

"Ok. Well, let's get back to your room first," he says while grabbing my arm, and walking back up the stairs.

Once we get back up to 'my room,' I go over to the window and sit down on the ground. He follows me and sits down against the wall next to me.

"So, what are your questions? Go on, ask."

"Why the hell is Carson here?"

"Well, he's here because I needed to talk to him."

"And why couldn't you just talk to him at his house instead of bringing him here and beating him?"

"Because I wanted you two to see each other. Plus, what fun would it be if I didn't torture him?"

"Whatever," I say as I roll my eyes. "Anyway, how did you even find him? Last time I checked, he didn't even live in California anymore."

"You're right. He doesn't live in California."

"So then how did you find him? And how did you know where he lives?"

"I have my ways."

"And what are 'your ways?' Beating people until they give you his address?"

"No. My sister found him. She's really good with computers, and she can find information about anyone. She can find everything about them."

"Wow. Your whole family is crazy. Why am I not surprised?" I roll my eyes.

Next thing I know, he's slapping me across the face. "Do not say that again. We are not crazy."

"Ok. Whatever you say."

"I think that's enough questions for one day. I'll be back later with someone so that we can have another little talk."

"Ok," I'm not even paying attention to him anymore. I'm just looking out the tiny window, and watching all the people and everything that's going on.

"Who are all those people? And what are those buildings?" I ask before he walks out the door.

He turns and looks at me, looking confused. "What people and buildings?"

"The one's outside."

He walks over to the window to see what I'm talking about. "Kailey, there are no people or buildings," he says as he looks outside.

"Yes, there are. I'm looking right at them right now. There are people walking down the street and people walking in and out of buildings."

"Kailey, I'm telling you. We're in the middle of nowhere. There are no people or buildings around here. The closest buildings that are in this area is that old, abandoned town that you found when you escaped."

"But then who are all those people?"

"You're hallucinating. There's nothing outside."


"Now, I have some important work to do, so I'll be back later."

"Ok," I say as I look outside the window at the apparently non-existent people.

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