Chapter thirty-seven

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"WHAT?" I yell at him.

"You heard me," he says so casually.

"Well honestly, I'm not surprised if he is the one who killed your daughter, but I mean seriously? Kidnapping me to get back at him? Terrible idea," I tell him.

"And why is that?"

"Because Alex doesn't care about me. He never has. He won't care if you have me."

"Well, he had his men go and kidnap you so obviously he cares about you somewhat," Leo says while cocking his head to the side.

"No, he doesn't. The only reason he had his men go through all the trouble of kidnapping me is so he can torture me again. There's no other reason," I tell him, but I can see he doesn't believe me.

"Well, I don't care. Whether you think he's coming for you or not, you're staying here. We'll discuss this more later, after I call your father and tell him I have you."

"I said don't call him my father! He is not my father and he never will be! He is nothing to me!" At this point, a bunch more men are in the room surrounding us, including Nick, Russ, and Nathan.

"Lucas, get your stuff out! It looks like we're going to need it for this here troublemaker," Leo calls to one of his men, who immediately starts running.

A few minutes later when he comes back, he's holding a syringe and handing it to Leo.

As he starts walking towards me, I start trying to back up, but Levi now has a firm grip on me and won't let me go.

Once he comes to a stop in front of me, he leans in to whisper in my ear. "Now, are we going to be a good little girl and listen? Or are we going to need to use this?" He asks as he holds up the syringe and twirls it around in his fingers.

"I-I'll be good..." I whimper.

"Good," he says while backing away and sticking the syringe in his pocket.

"Nick, Russ, Nathan, go with Levi and put the girl back where she was. I'll come deal with her later," and with that, he turns around and walks away.

The day her heart shattered Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant