Chapter Eighty-seven (Kailey)

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"Slow down, Charlie. Ask one question at a time!" JJ says as we all laugh.

"Ok, ok, fine. First question, how did you guys meet?"

"We met in the hospital," I say.

"Oh?" She asks while raising an eyebrow.

"I was in the hospital two years ago and JJ accidentally walked into my room instead of the one next to mine. He saw me and froze for a minute, but then instead of walking out like I thought he was going to, he came and sat in the chair next to the bed." I say.

"We started talking and got along really well. It was nice to have someone to talk to for a change. Every time I was in the hospital, nobody ever came to visit me. So, I was all alone until that one day, when JJ changed it, by accidentally walking in."

"And the day she was released, I was there to take her home. Every day after that, we spent together. After about two weeks, we made it official. I don't know what I'd do if I hadn't walked into her room. But the first time I saw her, I knew she was the one," JJ says while smiling at me.

"Aww. That's so cute!" She squeals. "But wait. Why were you guys in the hospital?"

I look at JJ, silently asking what to do. I'm not sure if I should make up a lie, or if I should tell her what Alex did. JJ sees the panic in my eyes, and he nods. It's one of those nods that says 'Everything's ok. You can trust her.'

"Well, I was at the hospital because I needed to go see a... friend," JJ says. But I know damn well that's not why he was there.

"Suuuuure, J," Charlie says while rolling her eyes and then looking at me. "Why were you in the hospital?"

I look at JJ again, and once again, he nods. I take a deep breath and say, "I was in the hospital because of Alex. My 'father.' I grew up with him and my older brother torturing and abusing me. They sent me to the hospital all the time. Two years ago, I escaped from him, but I had so many cuts, that it hurt to move. I also ended up having to have a surgery, because Tyler messed up my leg."

"Oh," she says. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked," she whispers.

"It's ok. You didn't know."

"She looks up at me and smiles again. "How many siblings do you have?"

"I had five."

"What do you mean 'had?'"

"Charlie," JJ says in a warning tone. He already knows. He knows about everything from my past. Even about Carson.

"It's ok, JJ," I say while putting my hand over his. "Umm, so as I said, I had five siblings. I had an older brother, Tyler, but I don't count him as a brother anymore. Not after everything he's done to me. And then there's Quintin, my twin brother."

"He disappeared five years ago. There was Mia and Caleb, the other set of twins. They were nurdered by a gang that was after me five years ago. And lastly, there was my youngest sister, Emily. She was also killed."

"Ok, I think that's enough questions about family. What else do you want to know, Char?" JJ says.

"Hmm. How about your first boyfriend? Tell me about him."

"There's not really much to say about him. He got me pregnant when I was fourteen, started cheating on me, and then he left after I had a miscarriage to be with another girl. Apparently the one he was cheating on me with."

"Ok, that's enough, Charlie. You're getting way too personal with these questions," JJ says, making the smile on her face disappear.

"JJ-" I try to say something but Charlie cuts me off.

"Nah, he's right, Sweetie. I am getting a bit too personal there. I'm sorry. I'll talk to you again later," she says while winking as she gets up off the bed and walks out the door.

"JJ, are you ok?" I ask while looking at him after Charlie left.

"I'm fine. I just don't want you to answer things that you aren't ready to answer yet. Charlie can be very pushy, and I don't want you to feel pressured into answering her. I saw the look in your eyes when she asked why you were in the hospital. It's ok to not answer her questions. I want you to answer them when you feel ready. But judging by your reaction, I know you're not ready."

"Oh," I say. "Well, thank you. I'm not sure what else she would've asked, but thank you. And you're right. I'm not ready to talk about any of this, and I don't know if I'll ever be ready. It's been years since this has happened, but it still gives me nightmares and I've never told anyone about it. You're the only one who knows. Thank you, J," I say as I lean on his shoulder.

"Of course. You know I'll always be here to help you, Princess. And don't you ever forget that. I'm always here to help you, and I'm always here for anything you need, no matter what. I love you, Angel."

"I love you too," I say as we lay down and go to sleep.

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