Chapter sixty-five (Kailey)

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When I wake up, I'm not in the same room I was in before. I'm now in a room with all white walls, one window, a bed (but not a very comfortable one), and a door.

After looking around, I get off the bed and go to the door. I turn the doorknob to open it, but it's locked.

Damnit. He must've learned from last time not to keep the door unlocked.

I go back and sit on the bed while I think. I lean against the wall and think about everything back home. I think about my grandma and Luna. I think about school. How much I miss everything, and I think about when I'll be able to go back home, if I can ever get out of here.

I mean come on. This is the fourth time I've been kidnapped this month. At this point, I don't think I'm ever getting out of here.

I'm so deep in thought that I don't even hear the door be unlocked and opened until I see someone in front of me. I look up only to see the man who shot me. I try to sit further back in the bed but I can't because I'm already against the wall.

"W-what do you want?" I ask him as he crouched down.

"I see your shoulder's nice and patched up. Does it hurt?"

"Did you really just ask me that?" I look at him like he's dumb. Does he really think shooting me wouldn't hurt?

"Of course it hurts you idiot! You freaking shot me! Do you really think it wouldn't hurt?"

Next thing I know, I'm being slapped across the face. I hold my hand up to my cheek while trying not to cry.

"Do not talk to me like that. I will not tolerate your attitude. Do you understand me?" He says through clenched teeth.

I nod my head, not trusting myself to speak.

"Words. I want words."

"Yes, I understand," I say quietly while looking down.

"Good. Now that we're on the same page, there are some rules that we need to establish. Rule number one, always look at me while I'm talking to you," he says as he puts a finger under my chin and lifts my face.

I look at him and he removes his hand and continues talking. "Rule two, always listen to me and don't argue with me. There will be consequences. Rule three, you are never aloud to leave this room unless told otherwise. Rule four, if you're told to go somewhere, you will always have guards following you, so you won't be able to escape even if you tried. And rule five, you are never, under any circumstances, allowed outside. Ever."

"Umm for rule three you said I'm never aloud to leave this room?"

"That is correct," he says looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What about if I need to go to the bathroom? And take a shower? And what about food?" I ask quietly.

"Well, food will be brought to you. You will be getting all three meals everyday. As for bathroom stuff, knock on the door and one of the guards outside your room will take you to the bathroom, wait outside until you're done with whatever it is you need to do, and then they will lead you right back here and lock the door again."

"Ok," I say, not really sure if I should say anything else.

"What's your name?" I don't really know why I asked him this, but it's out there now.

He chuckles a little bit and then says, "You want to know my name?"

When I don't answer, and takes my silence as a yes and says, "Xavier. Xavier Coleman."

The moment I hear his name, my eyes grow wide. For a minute, I think I hear wrong. "W-what?"

"Xavier Coleman. That's my name."

Nope. Definitely heard him right. This is bad.

"And I'm going to guess by your reaction that you know who I am," he says with a smirk.

"No. No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening. God please no."

"Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. This is happening."

"Oh my god. Why? Why, why, why? Why me? Why the hall did you kidnap me? And why did you save me last month? If I knew it was you, I would've gone right back and died with my mom and sister."

"Well, number one, I saved you because I needed you alive so that I could get you when the time was right. The only reason I didn't take you then is because you didn't know Ace was your father at the time. And number two, I already told you why I got you."

"I kidnapped you because I am your fathers biggest enemy, I want something from him, and I will do anything to hurt him and his kingdom. I also kidnapped you because if he doesn't listen to me, I will hurt you and maybe even kill you so that he will be forced to give me what I want."

"No, please don't kill me! Please. I didn't do anything wrong! I haven't done anything!" Tears threaten to spill. I can't believe he actually wants to kill me. I have nothing to do with whatever it is between him and Ace.

"Well, if you don't want to be killed, we just need to make sure Ace gives me what I want," he says while standing up and setting up a phone stand pointing the camera towards me.

"But I didn't do anything. I have nothing to do with whatever is going on between you and Ace!"

"Ahhh. So you don't even call him 'dad.' Why is that dear Kailey?"

"Because I only met him like a week ago. But please! I have nothing to do with anything that's going on between you two!"

"Shut up. I don't want to hear it. You're his heir which means you have everything to do with it. Hurting his heir means hurting his kingdom, which means he'll give me what I want. Now get up," he says as he grabs my arm and yanks me up so I'm standing in front of the camera.

He starts the recording and then moves behind me and suddenly I feel a cold metal being pressed against the side of my head. I look at the camera and see he's pointing a gun at me.

"Hello again, Ace. As you can see, true to my word, little Pretty Girl here is safe. Well, for now at least. You officially have two weeks to give me what I want, or little miss Kailey here won't be returning alive," he says as he runs the gun down my face and towards my jaw.

"Ace, please help me! I don't want to get killed!" I start crying and Xavier slaps me and puts his free hand over my mouth.

"Shut up," he growls in my ear.

"Anyways, as I was saying, Ace, you have two weeks and then Kailey will be killed. I'm sure you don't want your heir to get killed do you? Especially not one this pretty. Anyway, bye for now, Ace! Take this warning seriously. We wouldn't want this pretty little face to get hurt. Bye now!" And with that, he cuts the camera, puts the gun in the waistband of his pants, and throws me on the ground.

I try to stand up, but before I can, he kicks me in the stomach, causing me to cry out in pain. He kicks me in the stomach again, and then grabs my arm and yanks me off the floor, shoving me against the wall and choking me.

"What the hell were you trying to accomplish there? Hmm? Begging him to help you? Maybe I should just kill your right now." He continues choking me while he grabs his gun and puts it to my head again.

"No, please. I'm sorry! I won't do it again," I try to pry his hand off my throat, but he just tightens his grip.

"You're lucky I need you alive, otherwise I would kill you right now," he says as he lets me go and I drop to the ground crying as he walks over to the door. "Oh, and I'll be back shortly. We're moving," and he walks out the door, locking it behind him.

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